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Tag Archives: italian vocabulary
Anniversario Unità d’Italia >>
Italy turns 150!
. Italy turned 150 today, which might surprise you. With so many ancient ruins and all the Renaissance and other historical works of art… you might wonder how the country could be so young. . And your surprise would be … Continue reading →
Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Holidays, Italian Vocabulary, Uncategorized, Vocaboli Italiai
Tagged 150 anniversary italy, garibaldi, Italian Culture, italian expressions, Italian Language, italian sayings, italian unification, italian vocabulary, italian words, jodina, Learn Italian, risorgimento italiano
International Women’s Day>> Festa della Donna
Mimosa Flowers . March 8th is International Women’s Day. This day is observed widely in many countries around the world. Oddly, it is not observed in the United States. In fact, the first time I’d heard of it was … Continue reading →
Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Holidays, Italian Vocabulary, Sayings, Uncategorized, Vocaboli Italiai
Tagged festa dellla donna, italian audio, italian classes, Italian Culture, italian expressions, Italian Language, italian sayings, italian vocabulary, italian words, jodina jovanotti, Learn Italian, march 8, mimosa, speak italian, women's day
L’amore è nell’aria>>
Italian love phrases, proverbs & music
. In onore della stagione d’amore e il giorno di San Valentino (in honor of the season of love and Valentine’s Day), dedico questa puntata del blog ad alcuni proverbi, frasi e una canzone d’amore italiani (I dedicate this blog … Continue reading →
Posted in Expressions, Italian Holidays, Italian Music, Italian Proverbs, Italian Vocabulary, Sayings, Uncategorized, Vocaboli Italiai
Tagged amore italiano, frasi italiani d'amore, italiah valentines day, italian audio, italian classes, Italian Culture, Italian Language, italian love, italian love phrases, italian music, italian phrases, italian proverbs, italian sayings, italian songs, italian vocabulary, italian words, jodina, l'amore e nell'aria, Learn Italian, san valentino, zucchero
The Week in Words>> A Blast of Italian Vocabulary
. Perhaps one of your new year’s resolutions is to migliorare (improve) in italiano. As a way to expand and improve your vocabulary of Italian words, I thought it might be useful and interesting to share some of the new … Continue reading →
Italian Holidays>>
It’s not over ’til the old lady…
…flies in on a broom! . . [Note: Any passages in Italian are followed by a translation in English.] . Yes, the lore of la Befana is one of my favorite parts of the Italian winter holiday traditions. So, while … Continue reading →
Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Holidays, Sayings, Uncategorized, Vocaboli Italiai
Tagged befana, calze, carbone, coal, epifania, epiphany celebration, epiphany in italy, filastrocche sulla befana, Italian Culture, italian expressions, Italian Language, italian phrases, italian sayings, italian vocabulary, italian words, jodina, perchè la befana si festeggia, quando si festeggia la befana, re magi, speak italian, stella cometa, stockings
Italian Vocabulary:
>> Favorite Italian Christmas Words & Practices
. Some of my favorite things about the Italian Christmas holiday season are — not surprisingly — edible. Starting with le castagne, il panettone, and le lenticchie, following is a list of a few of my favorite Italian Christmas holiday … Continue reading →
Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Food, Uncategorized, Vocaboli Italiai
Tagged italian christmas, italian classes, Italian Culture, Italian Language, italian phrases, italian sayings, italian vocabulary, italian words, jodina, learn italiano, natale italiano, study italian san diego
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Italian Saying
Detto italiano:
“Hai voluto la biciletta?
Adesso pedala!”
. This week’s detto italiano (Italian saying) is “Hai voluto la bicicletta? Adesso pedala!” In English this translates to: “You wanted the bicycle? Now pedal!” It refers to a situation where someone was dreaming of or striving for some goal … Continue reading →
“Non dire gatto…”
Italian Saying of the Week:
Il detto della settimana
Presenting Maxie the Moxie Cat, official Italiano With Jodina website mascot. . (Note: English translation follows.) Allora, il detto di questa settimana è quanto utile che divertente. Poi è anche il veicolo perfetto per presentare Maxie the Moxie Cat, la … Continue reading →
Italian Saying:
Il detto della settimana:
“Far venire il latte ai gomiti”
Salve bellissimi! . The last two proverbs have been encouraging and inspirational, so this week it’s time for a little humor. . This week’s Italian saying in its ‘raw’ or unconjugated form is “fare venire il latte ai gomiti.” . … Continue reading →
Posted in Sayings, Uncategorized
Tagged far venire il latte ai gomiti, far venire il latte alle ginocchia, italian audio, italian classes, Italian Culture, italian expressions, Italian Language, italian proverbs, italian sayings, italian vocabulary, italian words, jodina, Learn Italian, speak italian
La pioggia:
Italian Vocabulary:
Il vocabolario del venerdì
You may have noticed a slight twist to this week’s Venerdì blog post… instead of I Verbi del Venerdì (Verbs of Friday), this week it’s Il Vocabolario del Venerdì. Vocabolario can be defined as a glossario (glossary) or elenco di … Continue reading →