La pioggia:

Italian Vocabulary:

Il vocabolario del venerdì

Rain, Pioggia

You may have noticed a slight twist to this week’s Venerdì blog post… instead of  I Verbi del Venerdì (Verbs of Friday), this week it’s  Il Vocabolario del VenerdìVocabolario can be defined as a glossario (glossary) or elenco di termini (list of terms). Vocabolario comes from vocabolo, meaning word or term.


Sono stata ispirata dal temporale che abbiamo avuto ieri a San Diego. (I was inspired by the thunderstorm we had yesterday in San Diego… a very rare thing for us here in September/early autumn.


Refreshing as it was, it got me thinking of all the different Italian words associated with rain. And since they’re not all verbs, I got creative and decided to call this week’s installment Il Vocabolario del Venerdì.


Ecco i termini ‘piovosi’ (Here are the ‘rainy’ terms)


Listen & practice your pronunciation:


  1. piovere = verb, to rain
  2. la pioggia = noun, rain
  3. piovigginare = verb, to drizzle, sprinkle
  4. la pioviggine/la pioggerellina = nouns, drizzle, sprinkle
  5. il diluvio/l’acquazzone = nouns, downpour, heavy shower
  6. giorno di pioggia = rainy day
  7. gocce di pioggia = raindrops
  8. una nube densa di pioggia = a raincloud
  9. danza della pioggia = rain dance
  10. l‘arcobaleno = the rainbow
  11. un tuono = a clap of  thunder
  12. un lampo = a flash of lightning
  13. il temporale = thunderstorm
  14. Cade una pioggia sottile. = It’s drizzling. (A light rain is falling.)
  15. Piove a catinelle. = It’s raining cats and dogs. (From the word catino, meaning basin or bowl.)
  16. Non dimenticare il tuo ombrello! = Don’t forget your umbrella!


Hai qualche domanda o qualche vocabolo che vorresti aggiungere? (Do you have any questions or any terms you’d like to add?) You can add them in the comment section below!


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2 Responses to La pioggia:

Italian Vocabulary:

Il vocabolario del venerdì

  1. Gina Brown says:

    Ciao Jodina! I enjoyed this weeks lesson very much. Cade una pioggia sottile. See you mercoledi! Gina

  2. admin says:

    Ciao bella!
    Sono contenta di vedere il tuo commento.
    Good job on practicing the rainy vocabulary!
    A presto,

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