La dolce Pasqua | Sweet Easter | Foto Blog

NOTE: This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation (in Italics).

Anche in Italia le uova ed i conigli sono simboli della primavera e della Pasqua, insieme agli agnelli e agli anatroccoli. Le vetrine delle pasticcerie sono particolarmente deliziose in questo momento dellā€™anno.

In Italy, too, eggs and rabbits are symbols of Easter and spring, along with lambs and ducklings.Ā  Confectionerā€™s shop windows are particularly delicious this time of year.

Ecco alcune immagini pasquali che ho ripreso nellā€™ultimo viaggio in Italia. (Notate come i palazzi ed i negozi di fronte alle vetrine vengono riflessi nel vetro.)

Godetevele!Ā  Buona Pasqua e felice primavera!

Here are some Easter images I captured on my last trip to Italy.Ā Ā  (Note how the buildings and stores in front of the display windows are reflected in the glass.)

Enjoy them!Ā  Good Easter, and happy spring!

easter shop windows italy I love how it looks like gli anatroccoli (the ducklings) are riding nella macchina (in the car)!

easter shop windows italyIl torrone ed i conigli bianchi. / Torrone (nougat candy, bottom l. & r.) and white rabbits.

IMG_2569 wmI cestini, gli anatroccoli, le galline, e gli agnelli in una vetrina colorata. / Baskets, ducklings, hens, and lambs in a colorful window.

easter shop windows italyUn gigante coniglio dorato. ChissĆ  se fa le uova dorate? / A giant golden rabbit. Wonder if he lays golden eggs?

Ti piacciono le foto? Qual ĆØ la tua preferita? / Do you like the pictures? Which is your favorite?Ā  Leave a comment below!

Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Food, Italian Holidays, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog, Vocaboli Italiai | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

No Tweeting in the Conclave + More Fantasy Pope Candidates!

***UPDATE #1**Ā  In tempo recordĀ  (alle 19,07 orario italiano, 10:07AM PST)Ā ĆØ stato eletto il nuovo Papaā€¦in piazza San Pietro sventolano bandiere di tutti i paesi del mondo mentre migliaia di fedeli aspettano lā€™annuncio del nome del nuovo Ponteficeā€¦ / In record time the new Pope has been electedā€¦ flags from everywhere wave in Piazza San Pietro as thousands of Catholics await the announcement of the name of the new Pope.Pope Francesco

***UPDATE #2** [ore 21:15 orario italiano, 12:15PM PST] Ā  ƈ stato annunciato il nome del nuovo Pontefice (The name of the new Pontiff has been announced):Ā Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Arcivescovo di Buenos Aries, 76 anniĀ  (Archbishop, 76 years old) . Nellā€™incarico di Papa si chiamerĆ  Francesco (in his role as Pope his name will be Francesco).


Allora (So), yesterday the pope picking game got serious. The 117-member papal selection comconclave-cardinals-3mittee, aka the College of Cardinals, went into lock-down mode, and theĀ conclave (from the Latin ā€˜cum claveā€™, meaning ā€˜with keyā€™), as this meeting is known, began Tuesday afternoon, amidst stormy weather and much fanfare in piazza San Pietro in Rome.

pope-colpo di fulmine-2The weather conditions are noteworthy, considering that the cupola di San Pietro (dome of St. Peterā€™s) was struck by lightning shortly after the resignation of il Papa Benedetto XVI (Pope Benedict), stirring up mention of la profezia di Malachia (the Prophecy of Malachia) and of Nostradamus.

The cardinals will be chiusi a chiave (locked, or literally ā€˜closed by keyā€™) in quarters sealed off from the rest of the world until they have selectedĀ the next head of the Roman Catholic Church.Ā  They are unable to leave until they get the job done.

bread + water-conclave rationsThis practice dates back to 1274 after it had taken nearly three years (due mainly to political infighting between the cardinals) to choose the previous Pope. Next time around, these new restrictions ā€” along with eventually having their rations reduced to pane ed acqua (bread and water) and the roof literally being removed from their lodgings at Palazzo dei Papi di Viterbo (?!) ā€” they managed to get the job done in a little over a year. Since then, the conclave has proved an effective practice in encouraging expediency. [Hmmā€¦Ā  I think Iā€™d like to see this method used to resolve governmental stalematesā€¦]pope-twitter bird with papal hat

So until the Cardinals have chosen, the outside world will know nothing, not even a peep.Ā  And while itā€™s true that Pope Benedict Emeritus recently opened a Twitter account while still in office, it will be of no use to check his tweets.Ā  Heā€™s on social media lock-down, just like the rest of the cardinals.

pope on ipadā€œPreparations at the site of the papal conclave included a high-tech scrubbing of the chapel for bugs and electronic monitoring equipment. Wi-Fi will be blocked throughout Vatican City, and cardinals with Twitter and Facebook accounts have been warned.ā€ (Per this news article)


Dunque (so, thererfore), weā€™ll just have to wait for the smokeā€¦ [Smoke signals are used to indicate the selection of a new Pope. Eligible cardinals conduct a secret ballot until one of them receives a vote of two-thirds plus one. The ballots are burned after each vote. Black smoke indicates a failed ballot; white smoke means a new Pope has been elected.]

To stay abreast of the action, check out the website, and also, where you can join the Fantasy Conclave League for a chance to win prizes and learn ā€œPope factsā€.Ā 

To keep you entertaipope-fantasy conclave 2ned nel frattempo (in the meantime), here are the predictions my students came up with for a few new eligible ā€œfantasy candidatesā€ suggested to us following the previous blog post, ā€œGot What It Takes to Be Pope?ā€œ.Ā  DJ came up with Kevin Spacey, John Cusack, and Hugh Grant; and Giada came up with Prince Harry.Ā  Grazie belle signore (thanks, lovely ladies) for the fodder per le nostre fervide fantasie (for our fervid imaginations)!

Our predictions take the form of an answer to this question:

Che farebbe __(nome del candidato)__ se fosse il Papa? [What would __(name of candidate)__ do if he were Pope?]Ā 

Answers are in Italian followed by the English version, and are in the conditional tense (in this post, the verbs ending in -ebbe and -ebbero).

pope-PrinceHarryAfghanistanCampaignil Principe Harry.Ā  Se il Principe Harry fosse il Papaā€¦ insegnerebbe ai sacerdoti locali di giocare a poloā€¦ indosserebbe le scarpe militari invece delle scarpe rosseā€¦ prenderebbe delle decisioni azzardateā€¦ organizzerebbe unā€™assemblea annuale a Las Vegasā€¦ e tutti si rilasserebbero nel idromassaggioā€¦ i vestiti non sarebbero necessariā€¦ permetterebbe ai cardinali di giocare a biliardo a spogliarelloā€¦ vorrebbe far protegere il Vaticano dallā€™esercito inglese invece che dalla Guardia Svizzeraā€¦ sposterebbe il Vaticano in Inghilterra e cambierebbe la Cattedrale di Westminster in una chiesa Cattolicaā€¦ e poi il Parlamento Inglese gli sottrarrebbe il titolo di principe!

pope-prince harry-ping pongIf Prince Harry were Popeā€¦ he would teach the local priests to play poloā€¦ he would wear military boots instead of the red shoesā€¦ he would make reckless decisionsā€¦ he would organize an annual assembly in Las Vegasā€¦and everyone would relax in the hot tubā€¦ clothing would be optionalā€¦ he wouldĀ  permit the cardinals to play strip pool/billiardsā€¦ he would have the Vatican protected by the English army instead of the Swiss Guardā€¦ he would move the Vatican to England, and heā€™d change the Westminster Abbey into a Catholic churchā€¦ and then, the English Parliament would revoke his title of prince!

pope-kevin spaceyKevin Spacey.Ā  Se Kevin Spacey fosse il Papaā€¦ permetterebbe alle monache di essere attriciā€¦ costruirebbe un enorme teatro personale nel Vaticanoā€¦ girerebbe un film a Roma intitolato ā€œGli insoliti sospettiā€ sui preti che abusano dei bambiniā€¦Ā  sarebbe il primo Papa a vincere un Oscar mentre occupa questā€™ufficio.

If Kevin Spacey were Popeā€¦ he would allow nuns to be actressesā€¦ he would build an enormous home theater in the Vaticanā€¦ he would shoot a film in Rome entitled,Ā  ā€œThe Unusual Suspects,ā€ about priests who abuse childrenā€¦ he would be the first Pope to win an Oscar while in office.

pope-hugh grantHugh Grant.Ā  Se Hugh Grant fosse il Papaā€¦ cancellerebbe il requisito di celibato per i sacerdoti ā€¦ permetterebbe alle donne di entrare in Vaticano perchĆ© gli piaccionoā€¦ e permetterebbe alle suore di indossare qualunque cosa che loro vorrebbero, specialmente le gonne corteā€¦ assumerebbe una bella donna come segretaria personaleā€¦ permetterebbe ai preti di officiare solamente in ā€œQuattro matrimoni e un funeraleā€.

If Hugh Grant were Popeā€¦ he would eliminate the requirement of celibacy for priestsā€¦ he would permit women to enter the Vatican because he likes themā€¦ and he would permit nuns to wear anything they want, especially short skirtsā€¦ he would hire a beautiful woman as his personal secretaryā€¦ he would allow priests to officiate only ā€œFour Weddings and a Funeralā€.

pope-john cusack starJohn Cusak.Ā  Se John Cusak fosse il Papaā€¦Ā  farebbe costruire uno studio di kickboxing nel Vaticano e si allenerebbe ogni seraā€¦ farebbe gli scherzi ai cardinali ogni volta che gli incontrasseā€¦Ā farebbe girare un film nel Vaticanoā€¦ e poi direbbe ā€œSono troppo giovane per essere celibe!ā€ā€¦ e anchĆ© lui si dimetterebbe, dopo solamente un mese in ufficioā€¦. abiterebbe a Roma per pochi mesi ancoraā€¦ poi tornerebbe alla sua vita da star amato negli Stati Uniti.

pope-john-cusack-boomboxIf John Cusak were Popeā€¦ he would have a kickboxing studio built in the Vatican and he would train every eveningā€¦ he would play jokes on the cardinals every time he ran into themā€¦ he would shoot a film in the Vaticanā€¦ and then he would say ā€œIā€™m too young to be celibate!ā€ā€¦ and he, too, would resign ā€” after only one month in officeā€¦ he would reside in Rome for a few months moreā€¦ and then he would return to his life as a well-loved star in the United States.

Whom would you like to see chosen as Pope?Ā  Got any other predictions for our fantasy candidates? Leave your comments below!


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Got what it takes to be Pope?

Pope Benetto last dayOggiĀ ĆØ lā€™ultimo giorno di Papa Benedetto (nellā€™incarico di Papa). [Today is Pope Benedictā€™s last day (in his role as Pope).]
The game has been on to find his replacement since he announced his resignation a little over two weeks ago.

Think you might have what it takes to be Pope?

Youā€™d be surprised at just how few official requirements there are for papal candidatesā€¦ I came across the article, ā€œPer diventare Papa bastano tre requisitiā€ [ā€œTo become Pope, three requirements sufficeā€].

To summarize it, the following handful of requirements are the only ones actually on the books and have remained mostly unchanged through the centuries:

  1. be male [essere maschio]
  2. not married, ever [celibe, mai sposato]
  3. be under 80 years of age [avere meno di ottantā€™anni di etĆ ]
  4. be baptized [essere battezzato] (though one can be nominated without being baptized if they promise to do so after)
  5. not necessary to previously or currently hold a religious title or position [nonĀ ĆØ necessaria una carica religiosa precedente]

Never mind that the last time a non-clergy candidate became Pope was in December of 963 (Leone VIII), and that he lasted less than 2 years; the mere fact that there are so few requirements got me thinking of how broad the pool for potential papal candidates around the world might really be. And again, never mind the unlikelihood of them becoming Popeā€¦
PopemobileMy students and I got to musing over some candidates of our own and what they might do as Pope. We came up with these candidates for the next owner of the Pope Mobile:
Justin Beiber, Bill Maher, Al Pacino, Ralph Nader, Wilt ChamberlainĀ  (Believe me, it was tricky coming up with men whoā€™d never been married!)

We had fun imagining what these famous males would do if they were Pope. It was also a perfect opportunity to practice the conditional tense (in this post, the verbs ending in -ebbe and -ebbero).

Here are some of the answers to the question: Che farebbe __(nome del candidato)__ se fosse il Papa? [What would __(name of candidate)__ do if he were Pope?]Ā  Answers are in Italian followed by the English version

Ralph-NaderSe Ralph Nader fosse Papa, per prevenire le cadute pretenderebbe lā€™installazione dei corrimani lungo tutte le scale del Vaticano e anche la posa della moquette sulle magnifiche scale di marmo!Ā  Avviarebbe una campagna per eliminare lā€™inquinamento ambientale. Indagherebbe sulla corruzione nel Vaticano.

If Ralph Nader were Pope, to prevent falls, he would require the installation of handrails in all the stairways of the Vatican and the laying of carpet, including on the magnificent marble steps! He would launch a campaign to eliminate environmental pollution. He would investigate corruption in the Vatican.

Pope-Al-PacinoSe Al Pacino fosse Papa, permetterebbe ai vescovi e ai cardinali di sposarsi. Farebbe punire da Serpico i preti che abusano ai bambini. Farebbe girare un film nel Vaticano. Nel film, i vescovi e i cardinali porterebbero le pistole e salverebbero il mondo.

If Al Pacino were Pope, he would allow bishops and cardinals to marry. He would have Serpico punish priests that abuse children. He would direct a film in the Vatican. In the film, the bishops and cardinals would carry pistols and save the world.

Bll-Maher-PopeSe Bill Maher fosse Papa, presenterebbe la sua routine comica in piazza del Vaticano. Sarebbe un buon Papa perchĆ© nonĀ ĆØ religioso e pensa indipendentemente. Permetterebbe di entrare in Vaticano solo i democratici. Permetterebbe alle donne di diventare preti.

If Bill Maher were Pope, he would do his comedy routine in Vatican Square. He would be a good Pope because he isnā€™t religious and he thinks independently. He would only let democrats into the Vatican. He would let women become priests.

Justin Bieber on Church LadySe Justin Beiber fosse Papa, canterebbe la messa ogni domenica. Dopo la messa offrirebbe delle ciambelle gratis. Ogni mercoledƬ darebbe una lezione di ballo e ogni mese organizzerebbe una gara di ballo per i single cattolici. Darebbe dei concerti gratuiti in piazza del Vaticano.Ā  Introdurrebbe la musica hip-hop nelle chiese per interessare di piĆ¹ ai giovani. Permetterebbe a sua madre di abitare con lui nel Vaticano. Darebbe molti soldi ai poveri.

If Justin Bieber were Pope, he would sing the mass every Sunday. After mass, he would serve free donuts. Every Wednesday, he would give a dance lesson, and every month he would organize a dance contest for Catholic singles. He would give free concerts in Vatican Square. He would introduce hip-hop music into the churches to appeal more to young people. He would let his mom live with him in the Vatican. He would give a lot of money to the poor.

Wilt_Chamberlain-globetrottSe Wilt Chambelain fosse il Papa, inizierebbe un programma obbligatorio di ginnastica per tutti i vescovi e i cardinali. Formerebbe una squadra di pallacanestro per loro, e sceglierebbe i migliori giocatori per i Vatican Globetrotters, che girerebbe il mondo giocando per promuovere la pace.

If Wilt Chamberlain were Pope, he would initiate a mandatory exercise program for bishops and cardinals. He would form a basketball team for them, and he would choose the best players for the Vatican Globetrotters, who would go around the world playing to promote peace.

READ the article that inspired our activities: ā€œPer diventare Papa bastano tre requisitiā€.

Got any other Pope candidates in mind, or other imaginary missions for our candidates? Leave your comments below!

Ā [Grazie sentite al mio assistente redazione Enzo Heinz Dā€™Albis!]

Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments

Love, Italian Style | Amore all’italiana

saying i love you in italianā€œTi amoā€ or ā€œTi voglio beneā€?

That is the question for italophiles on this day of San Valentino.Ā  The answer, it turns out, depends on the object of your affection.

ā€œTi amoā€ (I love you) is reserved for romantic loves, while ā€œTi voglio beneā€ (I want/wish you well) is used to say I love you to everyone: family, friends, and lovers. Per non fare brutta figura (to not make a faux pas) watch the video!

After the video, check out the round-up of Italian love phrases to help you sweep your adorato off their feet! Plus a link to send free online Italian Valentineā€™s Day cards.

Video:Ā  Saying ā€œI love youā€ in Italian

More instructional videos >>

Be your own Don Giovanni with these romantic phrases!

  1. Buon San Valentino (Happy Valentineā€™s Day)
  2. Ti amo. (I love you. Used only for romantic love.)
  3. Ti adoro. (I adore you.)
  4. Amore mio (My love, my beloved)
  5. Tesoro mio (My treasure)
  6. Ti voglio bene. (I love/care about you. Used for all types of relationships: family, friends, lovers.)
  7. I tuoi occhi brillano come le stelle. (Your eyes shine like stars.)
  8. Sei bella come una rosa. (You are as beautiful as a rose.)
  9. Per sempre (Forever)
  10. Per sempre tua/o (Forever yours)
  11. Sono pazza/o di te. (Iā€™m crazy for you.)
  12. Anima mia (My soul)
  13. Sei incredibile. (Youā€™re incredible.)
  14. Sei bellissima/o. (Youā€™re beautiful.)
  15. Sei un dono. (You are a gift.)
  16. Sei stupenda/o. (Youā€™re fantastic.)

Send a free online Italian Valentineā€™s card to someone special at

heart in cappuccino coffeeA tutti i miei lettori un buon San Valentino! Siete fantastici! (To all of my readers, a happy Valentineā€™s Day! Youā€™re fantastic!)

Got a favorite ItalianĀ  love phrase or anecdote? Leave your comment below!

Posted in Expressions, Italian Holidays, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

A Love Affair with Nutella

giant jar of nutella in florence italy

Gigante barattolo di Nutella a Firenze

SarĆ  vero che il burro di arachidi rappresenta per i bimbi americani ciĆ² che la NutellaĀ ĆØ per i ragazzi italiani ā€” una crema gustosa (per i panini e le merende) al cui sapore ci si abitua sin dalla prima infanziaā€¦ Non credo che il burro di arachidi ispiri la stessa passione ed emozione della Nutella.

While it might be true that peanut butter is to American kids what Nutella is to Italian children ā€” a tasty spread (for sandwiches and snacks) that you begin acquiring a taste for in early childhoodā€¦ I donā€™t think peanut butter inspires the kind of passion and emotion that Nutella does.

Per prima cosa, il burro di arachidi non viene citato cosƬ frequentamente come la sua lontana cugina italiana Nutella. Quando faccio una ricerca in internet sul ā€œburro di arachidiā€ trovo solamente la storia della chiusura di uno stabilimento per la sua produzione a causa di un avvelenamento da salmonellaā€¦ triste ma poco divertente.

For starters, peanut butter doesnā€™t make the news the way its distant Italian cousin Nutella doesā€¦ when I google ā€œpeanut butterā€, all I find is the story of a peanut butter processing plant being shut down due to salmonella poisoningā€¦ sad, but not very entertaining.


Una ricerca sulla Nutella invece frutta delle storie che comprendono la morte, a Belluna, di una renna che amava la Nutella, un politico indagato per delle spese sospette ā€” la piu` clamorosa delle quali: un barattolo di Nutella per 2 euro 70 centesimi. Poi cā€™ĆØ una mamma californiana che ha fatto causa alla Ferrero che produce la Nutella per pubblicitĆ  falsa ed ha vinto (era scioccata di scoprire che nonostante le affermazioni negli spot in tv, la crema nonĀ ĆØ la base di una colazione sana).

A search for Nutella, on the other hand, yields stories that include the passing of a Nutella-loving reindeer in Belluno, a politician under investigation for suspicious expense claims ā€” the most clamorous of which is a ā‚¬2.70 jar of Nutella. Then thereā€™s the mom from California who sued the Ferrero company, maker of Nutella, for false advertising and won (sheĀ  was shocked to discover that despite claims made in the TV ads, the spread is not a healthy breakfast staple).

World_Nutella_Day_Final_mPoi naturalmente non esiste la Giornata del Burro di Arachidi. Il 5 febbraio 2013 invece segna la settima annuale Giornata Mondiale della Nutella, un giorno dedicato allā€™adorazione diā€¦, al cucinare conā€¦, e al gustare questa dolce delizia. Ricorrenza ideata da due americaneĀ espatriate in Italia (Sara Rosso e Michelle Fabio), le due donne hanno la parola e negli anni hanno raccolto oltre 700 ricette con la Nutella. Queste si possono vedere sul loro sito, ed ora hanno persino scritto un libro, ā€œThe Unofficial Guide to Nutellaā€ (La Guida Inofficiale alla Nutella).

And of course, there is no World Peanut Butter Day. February 5th, 2013 marks the 7th annual World Nutella Day, a day dedicated to the adoration of, baking with, and eating of this sweet treat. Created by two American expats in Italy (Sara Rosso and Michelle Fabio), the two women have spread the word and over the years have amassed a collection of over 700 recipes involving Nutella.Ā  You can peruse these on their website, and now, theyā€™ve even written a book, ā€œThe Unofficial Guide to Nutellaā€.

Nutella-filled Red Velvet Cake Pops

Nutella-filled Red Velvet Cake Pops

Per la Giornata della Nutella del 2012, unā€™amica ed io abbiamo tentato di creare una ricetta originale: Nutella-filled Red Velvet Cake Pops (ovvero, le palline di torta al velluto rosso riempite di Nutella). I risultati erano da morire dal ridere (e deliziosi) e di sicuro meritevoli di Lucy ed EthelĀ (del vecchio programma televisivo ā€œI Love Lucyā€).

For Nutella Day 2012, a friend and I tried our hand at creating an original recipe: Nutella-filled Red Velvet Cake Pops. The result was a hilarious (and delicious) baking adventure worthy of Lucy and Ethel.

Dunque oggi, o qualsiasi giorno, anche voi potete aggregarvi al divertimento ā€” vi serve solo un cucchiaio, un barattolo di Nutella, e magari anche un pĆ² di pane o qualche crepe per spalmarla.

Nutella Ad_BreadSo today, or any day, you too can get in on the funā€“all you need is a spoon, a jar of Nutella, and maybe even some bread or a crepe to put it on.

Your comments:

Have you heard of World Nutella Day? Are you celebrating it this year? Whatā€™s your favorite way to eat Nutella?

[Grazie sentite al mio assistente redazione Enzo Heinz Dā€™Albis!]

Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Food, Italian Holidays, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Risotto al melograno | Recipe Blog | Pomegranate Risotto

pomegranate, melograno

NOTE: This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation (in Italics).

Buone feste a tutti e spero che avete passato un bel Natale. Se fossimo in Italia saremmo ancora in festa. Il 26 dicembre, giorno di Santo Stefano, il primo martire cristiano,Ā ĆØ festa nazionale in molte parti del mondo, lā€™Italia compresa. Dopo arriva Capodanno e poi la stagione Natalizia termina con lā€™Epifania, detto anche la Befana, il 6 gennaio.

Happy holidays everyone; I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.Ā  If we were in Italy, weā€™d still be on holiday. The 26th of December, St. Stephenā€™s Day (the first Christian martyr), is a national holiday in many parts of the world, including Italy. After comes New Yearā€™s Eve, and then the Christmas season finishes with the Epiphany, also called la Befana, on January 6th.

PerciĆ² potete usare la vostra affinitĆ  per la cultura italiana come scusa per rimanere nello spirito festoso un altro pĆ². In onore di Santo Stefano allora vi propongo un bel piatto che ho preparato per degli ospiti in questi giorni: il buonossimo Risotto al melograno!

So, you can use your affinity for Italian culture as an excuse to stay in the festive spirit a little longer.Ā  In honor of St. Stephen then, I present you with a wonderful dish that I made for my guests recently: the delicious Pomegranate Risotto!

pomegranate risotto, risotto al melograno

Questo risottoĀ ĆØ bello quantoĀ ĆØ buono. Il succo del melograno gli dona un bel colore rosato insieme ai chicchi fiammeggianti e croccanti.Ā Ćˆ un primo piatto perfetto per qualche pranzo o cena natalizio o per il Capodanno!

This risotto is as pretty as it is good.Ā  The juice of the pomegranate gives it a nice pinkish color together with the brightly-colored and crunchy seeds.Ā  Itā€™s a perfect first course for any Christmas lunch or dinner, or for New Yearā€™s Eve!

Ingredienti {English translation and notes below}

  • 500 g riso arborio
  • 1 cipolla tritata
  • il succo di un melograno
  • i chicchi di un melograno (2 melograni in totale)
  • un litro e mezzo di brodo vegetale
  • 1/2 bicchiere vino bianco secco (tipo Sauvignon)
  • olio di oliva, q.b.
  • sale e pepe q.b.
  • burro
  • 4 cucchiai parmigiano grattugiato


  • In una capiente padella fate imbiondire nellā€™olio e a fuoco basso la cipolla tritata.

1w WM

  • Poi tostateci il riso e dopo sfumate con il vino bianco.

3 w WM

  • Aggiungete il sugo di melograno.

6 w WM

  • Cominciate ad aggiungere, poco per volta, il brodo.

4 w WM

  • Dopo circa 15 minuti di cottura, salate, pepate, aggiungete i chicchi del melograno (tenendo da parte alcuni per la presentazione finale) e continuate la cottura mescolando di tanto in tanto, aggiungendo il brodo quando occorre, stando attenti a non lasciar attaccare il riso.

7 w WM

  • Quando il riso ĆØ cotto mantecatelo fuori dal fuoco con una bella noce di burro ed il parmigiano. Spargete in cima i chicchi di melograno rimasti.
  • Servite subito e buon appetito!
8 w WM

If it turns out well, and your guests are hungry, this is how the pot will look before long!


  • 500 grams arborio rice (find it at healthier stores that sell bulk grains, or in a 1 lb box at Trader Joeā€™s)
  • 1 chopped onion
  • the juice of 1 pomegranate
  • the seeds of 1 pomegranate (2 pomegranates in total)
  • 1 1/2 liters vegetable broth
  • approx 4 oz. dry white wine (such as Sauvignon)
  • olive oil, as much as needed (to generously cover bottom of pan)
  • salt and pepper, as needed
  • dollop of butter, as needed
  • 4 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

5 w WMDirections

  • In a large pan saute the chopped onion on low heat until transparent.
  • Add the rice and stir it to absorb the oil and onion flavors; then pour in the white wine and stir while it evaporates.
  • Add the pomegranate juice [you can squeeze the seeds with your hands as I did, or use some type of strainer, or buy the juice ready].
  • Begin adding in and stirring the broth, a little at a time. [Cover the pot, stirring occasionally, while the rice absorbs the broth.]
  • After about 15 minutes, add salt and pepper, add the pomegranate seeds (keeping some aside as garnish), and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, adding broth as neededĀ (being careful not to let the rice get stuck to the pan).
  • When the rice is cooked, remove from heat and cream it with a generous dollop of butter and the Parmesan cheese. Sprinkle the remaining pomegranate seeds on top of the risotto.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

Leave a comment: Have you ever heard of or tried Risotto al melograno?


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Spooky Poveglia | Italy’s Island of the Dead

italy haunted poveglia view thru doorway room with graffiti

NOTE: This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation

Si dice che Poveglia ā€” unā€™isola abbandonata e situata a sole due miglia da Venezia ā€” sia infestata da fantasmi. Secondo la leggenda questa piccolissima isola nella laguna di Venezia ā€” alla quale e` pressocheā€™ impossibile arrivare tramite il trasporto pubblico ā€” e` stata il luogo di ricovero di migliaia di persone malate e morenti della peste nel 500.

It is said that Poveglia (pronounced poh-VEHL-yah) ā€” an abandoned island situated only two miles from Venice ā€” is haunted. According to legend, this tiny island in the Venetian lagoon ā€” to which it is nearly impossible to arrive via public transport ā€” was a shelter or holding area for thousands of people sick and dying of the plague in the 1500s.

italy haunted poveglia stairs and graffitiSi dice inoltre che i fantasmi di tutte quelle povere anime i cui corpi erano stati bruciati e sepolti in delle fosse comuni ora infestano e tormentano lā€™isola di Poveglia. Che sia vera o no la storia dei fantasmi, e` comunque accertato` che a Poveglia si bandivano le persone infette dalla peste. E` anche vero che si trattava di un enorme numero di persone.

It is said moreover that the ghosts of all those poor souls whose bodies were burned and buried in mass graves now haunt and torment the island of Poveglia. Whether or not the story of the ghosts is true, it has, in any case, been established that people infected with the plague were banished to Poveglia. It is also true that it was an enormous number of people.

Un altro fatto verificabile eā€™ che prima ancora della peste, questa isola era anche usata come luogo di quarantena (la parola quarantena viene dal termine ā€œquaranta giorniā€, la durata della detenzione) di persone sospette portatori di malattie prima che potessero accedere a Venezia.

Another verifiable fact is that even before the plague, this island was also used as a place of quarantine (the word quarantine comes from the term ā€œquanranta giorni/forty days'ā€, the length of the detention) for people suspected of carrying illnesses before they could enter Venice.

italy haunted poveglia collpased building

Piu` recentemente nellā€™ultimo secolo si dice che lā€™isola ospitava una casa di ricovero per persone matte ā€” una specia di manicomio ā€” dando cosi` unā€™ulteriore senso del macabro alle voci che circolano su Poveglia.

More recently, in the past century,Ā  it is said that the island hosted a refuge for crazy people ā€” a type of insane asylum ā€” giving yet a greater sense of macabre to the rumors that circulate about Povelgia.

italy haunted poveglia

Dunque saraā€™ vero che Poveglia sia infestata dai fantasmi e dagli spiriti tormentati? Oppure che lā€™isola sia cosi` avvolta da unā€™atmosfera sinistra ed un tale stato di abbandono avanzato che nessuno osi piu` metterci piede?

So, could it be true that Poveglia is haunted by ghosts and tormented spirits? Or that the island is so enshrouded in a sinister atmosphere and in such an advanced state of neglect that no one dares set foot there anymore?

Facendo un po` di ricerca su internet ho scoperto il racconto di un uomoĀ corraggioso che ha deciso di esplorarla da solo. Dopo aver fatto una grande fatica a trovare qualcuno che lo portasse allā€™isola ha scoperto che lā€™isola e veramente in grande abbandono con gli edifici che crollano per mancanza di uso e di manutenzione e la vegetazione che cresce sfrenatamente ricoprendo tutto.

Doing a bit of research on the internet I discovered the tale of a courageous man who decided to explore it on his own. After having made a great effort to find someone who would take him to the island, he discovered that the island really is in a great state of abandon, with buildings collapsing due to lack of use and maintenance and vegetation growing unchecked andĀ  covering everything.

italy haunted poveglia spiral staircase

Nonostante le apparenze di abbandono, il Signor Riggs, lā€™esploratore in questione, ha trovato in Poveglia unā€™isola soleggiata, interessante da esplorare e priva dellā€™atmosfera macabra e da film orrore che uno si aspetterebbe. (Forse in una giornata di pioggia le sue impressioni sarebbero state diverseā€¦) Lui ha colto lā€™occasione per fare tante fotografie, incluse alcune che evidenziano la presenza di altri esseri umani corraggiosi che vanno sullā€™isola ā€” dai pescatori agli ā€œartistiā€ dei graffiti ā€” ma non ha trovato ne fossa ne ossa e comunque non ha trovato la prova dellā€™infestazione da fantasmi ā€” un fatto che forse rendera` tristi i ghostbuster ā€” scusate ragazzi!

Despite the appearance of neglect, Mr. Rigs, the explorer in question, found Poveglia to be sunny, interesting to explore, and lacking the macabre, horror-film atmosphere that one would expect. (Perhaps on a rainy day his impressions would have been differentā€¦ ) He took the occasion to take lots of photographs, including some that reflect the presence of other brave humans whoā€™ve frequented the island ā€” from fishermen to graffiti ā€œartistsā€ ā€” but he found neither grave nor bones, and in any case, he did non find proof of (the island being) haunted ā€” a fact that might sadden the ghost busters ā€” sorry guys!

italy haunted poveglia vegetation growing wild

Dunque percheā€™ allora si dice che Poveglia sia infestata da fantasmi? Forse percheā€™Ā  essendo unā€™isola abbandonata da lungo tempo, non si sa molto di essaā€¦ e poi cā€™e` il fattore umano ā€” infatti in mancanza di notizie concreteĀ  cā€™eā€™ una tendenza umana ad attribuire caratteristiche misteriose e spaventose alle cose che non si conosconoā€¦ e cosi` nascono i grandi miti urbaniā€¦ creati e propagati dalle persone stesse!

Then why do people say Poveglia is haunted? Perhaps because having been an abandoned island for so long, not much is known about itā€¦ and then thereā€™s the human factor ā€” in fact, in the absence of concrete news (or information) there is a human tendency to attribute mysterioius and scary characteristics to things that are unknownā€¦ and thatā€™s how the great urban myths are bornā€¦ created and propagated by people themselves!

Per sapere piu` dettagli sullā€™isola di Poveglia e vedere altre foto, leggi il blog di Ransom Riggs.

Ma prima, lascia un commento! Ci credi che Povelgia fosse infestata da fantasmi? Ci andresti a vedere lā€™isola se visitassi Venezia?

To learn more about the island and to see more photos, read the blog by Ransom Riggs.

But first, leave a comment! Do you believe that Poveglia is haunted? Would you go to see the island if you visited Venice?

All photos reproduced by permission of Ransom Riggs. Thanks!

Un grande grazie to my friendĀ  Nicola Tarallo for his editorial assistance. Check out his Italian food blog.

Posted in italian travel, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog | Tagged , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Signs from Readers + Contest Winner | Foto Blog

Ciao a tutti šŸ™‚ After an autumn hiatus, the blog is back!


Today I thought Iā€™d shareĀ  some of the signs that readers have sent in response to my recent blog posts, ā€œA Good Sign| Un buon segnoā€ and ā€œA Good Sign Part 2 | Signs Around Veniceā€œ. Thank you so much for your lively responses and for sharing the pictures youā€™ve taken of signs in Italy.


Here are my favoritesā€¦ but first, the winner of the caption-writing contest, ā€œA Picture Is Worth a Thousand Wordsā€œ.


Tante grazie (many thanks) to all who participated (click the link above to see their hilarious captions for the picture of the goose waitress (which by the way was taken in Pisa).


So, the vincitrice fortunata (lucky winner) of the random prize drawing for a signed copy of Dianne Halesā€™ delightful book, ā€œLa Bella Linguaā€, isā€¦ drum roll, pleaseā€¦ TARA whose comment was, ā€œMade fresh with real ostrich eggs!ā€


Auguri (Congratulations) Tara! Get in touch to collect your prize by leaving a comment below.

Ā .

And now, here are your signs!


These first two signs have gone to the dogsā€¦


dog parking roma

Parcheggio cani ā€” foto scattata a Roma: ā€œOk vai pure, ti aspettoā€ / Dog parking ā€” picture taken in Rome: ā€œOk, go ahead, Iā€™ll wait for youā€Ā  [Photo credit: Rich LaRocca]




dogs and  ice cream certaldo italy  cani e gelati

Cani e gelati ā€” scattata a Certaldo in Toscana / Dogs and ice cream ā€” taken in Certaldo, Tuscany [Photo credit: Carlota Brewer]

Translation of individual signs: 1) Marmellata di cipolle / Onion jam, 2) Noi amiamo i cani e li facciamo entrare! / We love dogs and we let them enter!, 3) Confetture e marmellate di produzione propria / Preserves and jams made in-house




These next two signs bear the mark of Italyā€™s fascination with things Americanā€¦ [Photo credits: Laurie Monahan]


Ā Obama Take Away Pizza Lecce italy

A Lecce in Puglia, nel tacco dello stivale / In Lecce, Apulia, in the heel of the boot: Obama Take Away Pizzeria>> Pizza-Rosticceria-Piatti Tipici / Pizza-Rotisserie-Traditional Dishes




Twiligh tMenu Montepulciano italy

Un ristorante a Montepulciano con un menuā€™ turistico ispirato dal film Twilight New Moon, una parte del quale eā€™ stata girata a quella cittaā€™ / A restaurant in Montepulciano with a tourist menu inspired by the film Twilight New Moon, part of which was filmed in that city




These last two signs are evidence of Italyā€™s more amorous and bawdier sidesā€¦




lucchetti di amore lecce italy love padlocks

Dei lucchetti a Lecce con dei messaggi scritti da innamorati, i quali dopo aver attaccato i lucchetti buttano le chiavi come segno di amore eterno / Padlocks in Lecce with messages written by lovers, who after attaching the locks, throw away the keys as a sign of eternal love [Photo credit: Laurie Monahan]




macelleria al mercato centrale firenze italia, butcher at central market florence italy

Foto scattata presso una delle macellerie al Mercato Centrale di Firenze: ā€œMangiate iā€™lesso, fa bene al sessoā€ā€¦ Solo in Italia! / Photo taken at one of the butchers in Florenceā€™s Central Market (and a rhyming play on words):Ā  ā€œEat boiled meat (lesso), itā€™s good for sex (sesso)ā€ā€¦ Only in Italy! [Photo credit: Daveen DiGiacomo]



Quale tra queste e` la vostra foto preferita?

/ Which among these photos is your favorite?




Posted in italian travel, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words | Foto Blog & Contest>> Comment to win!

NOTE:Ā  This blog post is written inItalian (in italics) and English interspersed, so it is possible to read the article in one or both languages.

To borrow on an old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words. Since this week I donā€™t have time to write a thousand words, Iā€™m offering up a fun picture that I captured on my recent travels to Italy.


Per citare un vecchio detto, unā€™immagine vale mille parole. Siccome questa settimana non ho tempo per scrivere mille parole, vi offro una bella immagine che ho colto durante i miei recenti viaggi in Italia.


bird waitress in pisa, italy.

To add an element of fun, Iā€™m holding a Random Prize Drawing.


Per rendere il tutto piĆ¹ divertente ho organizzato un concorso.


How to participate: Write an interesting caption for this photo and submit it in the comments section below. (In Italian or English, as you prefer.)


Ecco come partecipare: Scrivete una didascalia interessante per questa foto (in inglese o in italiano secondo la vostra preferenza). Mettete la didascalia nellā€™apposito spazio per i commenti.


Random Prize Drawing: On Oct 5, I will randomly choose one of the captions submitted in the comments section below. The lucky author will win a signed copy of my friend Dianne Halesā€™ wonderful book, ā€œLa Bella Linguaā€œ. Iā€™ll announce the winner in next weekā€™s blog post.


Deadline: Midnight October 3, 2012


Estrazione a caso: Il 5 ottobre, 2012, estrarrĆ² a caso una delle didascalie. Il fortunato autore vinceraā€™ una copia firmata del libro <> della mia amica Dianne Hales. Annuncieroā€™ il nome del vincitore nel blog della settimana successiva.


Scadenza del concorso: Mezzanotte del 3 ottobre, 2012


So put on your creative thinking caps and let me have your best captions. Good luck!


Allora datevi da fare e mandatemi le vostre migliori didascalie! In bocca al lupo!


(Tante grazie al mio amico ed assistente editoriale onorario Nico Tarallo!)


Posted in italian travel, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog, Sayings | Tagged , , , , , , | 24 Comments

A Good Sign, Part 2 | Signs Around Venice | Foto Blog

One good blog post deserves another!ā€¦ and since I couldnā€™t fit all the great Venetian sign photos in last weekā€™s posting (A Good Sign | Un buon segno), here are the rest ā€” including the stories that go with them. Enjoy!


sign for the Devil's Forest Pub in Venice

Lā€™insegna del Devilā€™s Forest Pub a Venezia, completo di un diavolo, un cinghiale, ed un cervo / Sign for the Devilā€™s Forest Pub in Venice, complete with a devil, a wild boar, and a deer stag




sign for the Devil's Forest Pub in Venice

Unā€™altra insegna del Devilā€™s Forest Pub. Con un nome cosiā€™ si potrebbe credere di essere in Inghilterra, peroā€™ nel sottofondo si vede la bandiera veneziana gialla e rossa con il famoso leone alato. / Another sign at the Devilā€™s Forest Pub. With a name like this, you might think it was in England, but in the background you can see the red and yellow Venetian flag with itā€™s famous winged lion.




poster, sign for the klimt exhibition in venice

Unā€™affissione per una mostra di Klimt a Venezia dal 24 marzo al 7 agosto del 2012 / A poster advertising a Klimt exhibit in Venice, from March 24 to August 7, 2012




sign, poster for an event organized by laboratoria occupato morion in venice, italy

Unā€™affissione che fa pubblicitaā€™ per un evento di musica organizzato dal Laboratorio Occupato Morion a Venezia /Ā  A poster publicizing a music event organized by the Laboratorio Occupato Morion in Venice [According to Lonely Planet, this counter-culture social center throws a wicked dance party featuring local Venetian music groups.]




street sign in venice, italy for the courtyard of the lughaneger, meaning sausage-maker

Targa stradale per il Corte del Luganegher, con sotto dei graffiti degli ā€œartistiā€ locali / Street sign for the Courtyard of the Luganegher, complete with graffiti from the local ā€œartistsā€Ā  [Luganegher means Sausage-maker in Venetian dialect and is related to the word luganega, a type of fresh pork sausage originating in the Lombardia and/or Veneto regions of Italyā€“place of origin is disputed.]




sign in venice, italy, for a bank with the vergin mary in a glass disply case above it

Una statua della Madonna sembra quasi benedire questa insegna di una banca a Venezia ā€” Dio lo sa che di questi tempi cā€™eā€™ ne di bisogno! / A statue of the Madonna (Virgin Mary) seems almost to bless this bank sign in Venice ā€” God knows, in these times we need it!


Ā . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ā Any thoughts? Which was your favorite?

Love reading your comments!




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