Risotto al melograno | Recipe Blog | Pomegranate Risotto

pomegranate, melograno

NOTE: This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation (in Italics).

Buone feste a tutti e spero che avete passato un bel Natale. Se fossimo in Italia saremmo ancora in festa. Il 26 dicembre, giorno di Santo Stefano, il primo martire cristiano, è festa nazionale in molte parti del mondo, l’Italia compresa. Dopo arriva Capodanno e poi la stagione Natalizia termina con l’Epifania, detto anche la Befana, il 6 gennaio.

Happy holidays everyone; I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  If we were in Italy, we’d still be on holiday. The 26th of December, St. Stephen’s Day (the first Christian martyr), is a national holiday in many parts of the world, including Italy. After comes New Year’s Eve, and then the Christmas season finishes with the Epiphany, also called la Befana, on January 6th.

Perciò potete usare la vostra affinità per la cultura italiana come scusa per rimanere nello spirito festoso un altro pò. In onore di Santo Stefano allora vi propongo un bel piatto che ho preparato per degli ospiti in questi giorni: il buonossimo Risotto al melograno!

So, you can use your affinity for Italian culture as an excuse to stay in the festive spirit a little longer.  In honor of St. Stephen then, I present you with a wonderful dish that I made for my guests recently: the delicious Pomegranate Risotto!

pomegranate risotto, risotto al melograno

Questo risotto è bello quanto è buono. Il succo del melograno gli dona un bel colore rosato insieme ai chicchi fiammeggianti e croccanti. È un primo piatto perfetto per qualche pranzo o cena natalizio o per il Capodanno!

This risotto is as pretty as it is good.  The juice of the pomegranate gives it a nice pinkish color together with the brightly-colored and crunchy seeds.  It’s a perfect first course for any Christmas lunch or dinner, or for New Year’s Eve!

Ingredienti {English translation and notes below}

  • 500 g riso arborio
  • 1 cipolla tritata
  • il succo di un melograno
  • i chicchi di un melograno (2 melograni in totale)
  • un litro e mezzo di brodo vegetale
  • 1/2 bicchiere vino bianco secco (tipo Sauvignon)
  • olio di oliva, q.b.
  • sale e pepe q.b.
  • burro
  • 4 cucchiai parmigiano grattugiato


  • In una capiente padella fate imbiondire nell’olio e a fuoco basso la cipolla tritata.

1w WM

  • Poi tostateci il riso e dopo sfumate con il vino bianco.

3 w WM

  • Aggiungete il sugo di melograno.

6 w WM

  • Cominciate ad aggiungere, poco per volta, il brodo.

4 w WM

  • Dopo circa 15 minuti di cottura, salate, pepate, aggiungete i chicchi del melograno (tenendo da parte alcuni per la presentazione finale) e continuate la cottura mescolando di tanto in tanto, aggiungendo il brodo quando occorre, stando attenti a non lasciar attaccare il riso.

7 w WM

  • Quando il riso è cotto mantecatelo fuori dal fuoco con una bella noce di burro ed il parmigiano. Spargete in cima i chicchi di melograno rimasti.
  • Servite subito e buon appetito!
8 w WM

If it turns out well, and your guests are hungry, this is how the pot will look before long!


  • 500 grams arborio rice (find it at healthier stores that sell bulk grains, or in a 1 lb box at Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 chopped onion
  • the juice of 1 pomegranate
  • the seeds of 1 pomegranate (2 pomegranates in total)
  • 1 1/2 liters vegetable broth
  • approx 4 oz. dry white wine (such as Sauvignon)
  • olive oil, as much as needed (to generously cover bottom of pan)
  • salt and pepper, as needed
  • dollop of butter, as needed
  • 4 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

5 w WMDirections

  • In a large pan saute the chopped onion on low heat until transparent.
  • Add the rice and stir it to absorb the oil and onion flavors; then pour in the white wine and stir while it evaporates.
  • Add the pomegranate juice [you can squeeze the seeds with your hands as I did, or use some type of strainer, or buy the juice ready].
  • Begin adding in and stirring the broth, a little at a time. [Cover the pot, stirring occasionally, while the rice absorbs the broth.]
  • After about 15 minutes, add salt and pepper, add the pomegranate seeds (keeping some aside as garnish), and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, adding broth as needed (being careful not to let the rice get stuck to the pan).
  • When the rice is cooked, remove from heat and cream it with a generous dollop of butter and the Parmesan cheese. Sprinkle the remaining pomegranate seeds on top of the risotto.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

Leave a comment: Have you ever heard of or tried Risotto al melograno?


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8 Responses to Risotto al melograno | Recipe Blog | Pomegranate Risotto

  1. miriamk says:

    I’ve never heard of it but i am dying to try it…the pomegrantes are juicy here this time of year. thanks…and for the Italian

  2. admin says:

    Prego Miriam! You’ll have to let me know how it turns out — when I made it last weekend, people wanted seconds!

  3. Saana says:

    Buon appetito! El piatto guarda bello.

  4. admin says:

    Ciao Saana/Sofia!
    Grazie del commento 🙂
    Nota: Si dice, “Il piatto si vede bene.”

  5. Joanne says:

    Thanks Jodina! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas… Also, I really like your blog!

  6. admin says:

    Grazie Joanne! Let me know if you try the recipe!
    Buone feste e Buon anno!

  7. Danelle says:

    Looks yummy even though there is no chocolate in the recipe !!

  8. admin says:

    Ciao Danelle, hai ragione (you’re right) there’s no chocolate in the risotto… but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some cioccolato per dolce (for dessert)! 😉

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