Lentils for Luck – Recipe for a Prosperous New Year | Lenticchie per fortuna – Ricetta per un prospero anno

Note: This post is in Italian interspersed with the approximate English translation.

gold coinsSecondo l’usanza italiana, se ti vuoi assicurare di un nuovo anno fortunato, a Capodanno  devi mangiare le lenticchie. Piatte e tonde, assomigliano le monete, e per il fatto che aumentano in misura durante la cottura, simboleggiano soldi e crescita finanziaria. Di solito in Italia le lenticchie si preparano in forma di una gustosa zuppa che viene mangiata nel periodo di Capodanno.

According to Italian custom, if you want to be sure to have good luck in the new year, you must eat lentils on New Year’s Eve/Day.  Flat and round, they resemble coins, and due to the fact that they expand in size during cooking, they symbolize money and financial growth.  In Italy, lentils are usually prepared in the form of a tasty soup that is eaten during the New Year period.

Ecco la mia ricetta – e` deliziosa e abbastanza facile.  Buon appetito e prospero anno !

Here’s my recipe – it’s delicious and pretty easy.  Good eating and prosperous new year!

Zuppa di lenticchie | Lentil Soup

Persone: 4  |  Preparazione: 30 minuti  |  Cottura: circa 2 ore   |  Difficolta`: medio

Serves: 4  |  Preparation: 30 minutes  |  Cooking time: about 2 hours  |  Difficulty: medium

Ingredienti | Ingredients  [Italian | English]lenticchie-2

300 gr lenticchie verdi secche | 10-11 oz dry green lentils

1-2 cucchiai olio d’oliva | 1-2 tblsp olive oil

1-2 cucchiai di burro | 1-2 tbsp butter

peperoncino q.b. /quanto basta | red chili pepper, to taste

1 cipolla tritata | 1 chopped onion

1 costola di sedano tritata | 1 stalk of celery, chopped

2 gambi di porro tritati | 2 bulbs/stems chopped leeks

1 carota tritata | 1 chopped carrot

1 bicchiere di vino bianco secco | 1 c./8oz. dry white wine

1 pomodoro piccolo tritato | 1 small chopped tomato

1 foglia di alloro | 1 bay  leaf

8-10 bicchieri/2-2 ½ litri d’acqua | 8-10 c./2-2 ½ Qt. water

Dadi di brodo vegetale q.b./quanto basta (circa un dado per litro d’acqua) | Broth cubes, as needed (approx. 1 cube per quart of water)

Sale e pepe, q.b. / salt and pepper, to taste

Qualche rametto di timo fresco | A few sprigs of fresh thyme

Facoltativo: 300 gr cotechino o altra salsiccia, | Optional:  10-11 oz. “cotechino”, a traditional Italian pork sausage, or other sausage

lenticchiePreparazione  |  Preparation

Sciacquate le lenticchie e mettetele in ammolo in acqua fredda per circa 2-3 ore.

Rinse and soak lentils in cold water for approx. 2-3 hours.

Riscaldate l’acqua con i dadi di brodo e tenetela coperta a fuoco lento finche occorre.

Heat the water with broth cubes and keep covered at a simmer until needed.

Trascorso il tempo di ammollo, potete iniziare a preparare la zuppa di lenticchie.  In una pentola grande rosolate  cipolla, porro, sedano e carote tritati nel burro e l’olio d’oliva.

Upon completion of soaking time, in a large pan sautĂŠ the chopped onion, leeks, carrot and celery in the butter and olive oil, until onion is transparent.

Aggiungete le lenticchie, ben scolate dall’acqua di ammollo,e la foglia di alloro, girandole 1-2 minuti mentre assorbono il burro, l’olio ed i gusti della verdura.

Add lentils, having drained the soaking water, and the bay leaf, stirring 1-2 minutes as they absorb the butter, oil and flavors of the vegetables.

Aggiungete e fate sfumare il vino bianco, girando il tutto a fuoco basso.

Add white wine and stir the mix while sautĂŠing so wine absorbs into lentils as it evaporates.

Aggiungete il pomodoro e girate a fuoco lento.lenticchie-3

Add tomato and stir while sautĂŠing.

Aggiungete sale e pepe quanto basta.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

Aggiungete circa la meta` del brodo e coprire la pentola. Controllate, girate ed assaggiate di tanto in tanto, aggiundendo del brodo in piu` quando occorre ed evitando che le lenticchie si attaccano. Attenzione che le lenticchie ultimate siano al dente e non stracotte.

Add about half the broth and cover the pan. Check, stir and taste every so often, adding more broth as needed to avoid lentils cooking to the bottom of pan.  Take care that the finished lentils are “al dente” and not overcooked (when ready, lentils should be soft but not mushy).

Aggiungete del sale quanto basta.

Add salt as needed/to taste.

In una padella a parte, fate rosolare le salsicce. Abbiate cura a non stracuocerle. Alla fine della cottura la pelle sara` diventata biancastra. Dovrebbero essere tenere e non dure.

In a separate pan, steam the sausage(s). Be careful not to overcook. When finished, the casings will have turned white. They should be tender, not tough.

Quando le salsicce saranno ultimate, toglietele dalla fiamma e togliere la pelle.

When sausages are cooked, remove from heat and remove casings.

capodanno-buon anno 2014Quando la zuppa di lenticchie sara` ultimate, toglietela dalla fiamma, togliete la foglia di alloro, aggiungete del timo fresco e mescolate.  Affettate le salsicce, mettete le fette in cima alle porzioni di zuppa ed aggiungete un rametto di timo fresco.

When lentils have finished cooking, remove from heat, remove bay leaf, add the leaves of several fresh sprigs of thyme and mix.  Slice the sausages, put slices over the top of the portions of lentil stew, add a sprig of thyme and serve.  Buon appetito!

Avete mai mangiato la zuppa di lenticchie?  Mangiate qualche cibo speciale a Capodanno?  | Have you ever eaten lentil soup?  Do you eat any special foods at New Year’s?

Posted in italian cooking, Italian Customs, Italian Food, Italian Holidays, italian recipes, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Panama… una scappata dalla cittĂ  | … an escape from the city | Foto Blog

Jodina's feet and walking stickPanama… Una Escapada de la Ciudad (Span.) | An Escape from the City…
After so much hustle and bustle in the city, exciting as it is, it was time to get out of town for a spell, para un cambio de paisaje (literally: for a change of landscape, English expression: for a change of scenery, Italian: per cambiare aria), so we hopped in el carro (It. la macchina) the car and headed about an hour and a half southwest of Panama City to explore the Valle de Anton.

jodina on bike - wm - CROP'D 2Lush, slightly cooler, quiet and slow-paced, it was just what we needed.What struck me most about this place was the greenery and the water–so much in evidence everywhere – animals roaming freely, and more pedestrians and bicycles on the roads than cars. Hemos alquilado bicis para explorar el pueblo! (We rented bikes to explore the town!) Let’s take a spin through the Valle de Anton…

tamarin monkey on bike tire

Tiny tamarin monkeys sound like birds. This little guy, posing on the bike tire of his human, a local guide, is about a year old.

scale and produce at public market

Una balanza al Mercado Publico. En vista tambien hay el platano ubicuo, zanahorias, ajo, cebollas, y repollo. / A scale at the Public Market. Also in view: the ubiquitous plantain, carrots, garlic, onions and cabbage.

mamones chinos

Mamones chinos, similar to lychee fruit. The market vendor sold me “cuatro por cuara”, four for a quarter, (cuara is Panamaniam slang for 25 cents, from the English word quarter).

rooster blue house 1-wm-RETOUCH

Un gallo (a rooster) — they seem to be everywhere! — in front yards and along the roads.

mom and daughter on bike

Una mamĂ  lleva s su hija a la escuela (a mom takes her daughter to school). Look closely, both are smiling. People here seem peaceful and content.

Virgin Mary electricity meter - wm-RETOUCH

Sacred meets profane meets utility: a Madonna graces an electricity meter.


Un caballo (It. Un cavallo) A horse grazes by the roadside.

school girl walking along country road

What a cutie, she definitely looks like she’s in on the joke!

a house on the Calle Los Millionarios (Millionares Road)

Front yard of a villa on Calle Los Millionarios (Millionaires Road), where Noriega and his gang used to have country homes. The gangsters are gone, but las casas bellas quedan (the beautiful houses remain).

La Piedra Pintada - the painted rock

The main event: La Piedra Pintada (the Painted Rock), a remnant of El Valle’s pre-Columbian culture, is a 15-ft boulder featuring a collection of ancient petroglyphs.

close up of la piedra pintada - the pained rock

Closeup of la PIedra Pintada, the Painted Rock. It makes me thimk  of an ox (It. un bue, Sp. Un buey).


On the sendero (path) de la Piedra Pintada. Climbing that rock fearlessly!

tropical waterfall cascada tropical

Una cascada tropical (It. una cascata tropicale) a tropical waterfall along the path.

lady with piggy-back baby

All along the upward path there are small trails leading to people’s homes. This mom travels on foot with her small daughter… 40 minutes round trip — 60 with groceries, she tells us.

a young man moves plants out of rain for safekeeping

A park worker carries plantas jovenes (young plants) out of the pelting rain to shelter.

While hiking on the path, we got stuck in a sudden heavy downpour and found ourselves huddling under the leafiest tree we could find, with just one small umbrella and one thin rain poncho between two people.

After about 10 minutes and getting pretty soggy, it

boy on bike in rain

It takes more than a lil’ ol rainstorm to stop folks here!

looked like it would be more than just a flash storm, so we screwed up our courage and carefully descended the slippery path, avoiding gullies of water gushing around us. The rainstorm lasted the better part of an hour, giving us time to take in some interesting scenes along the way…


high river water after heavy rain

A very churned up Rio Guayabo after an hour-long tropical downpour.

couple on bike with umbrella

Bikes everywhere! Often with two people aboard. Una pareja feliz (a happy couple) poses in the rain.

pozos termals hot springs

Next, we rode our bicicletas (bicycles) to los Pozos Termales (the hot springs).
$2.25 adult entrance fee — deal of the century!

Jodina in hot springs with mud mask

Relaxing in the hot springs. Looking funny with a barro (It. fango) mud mask, but feeling great!

Finally we headed back to main part of town, passing a few more interesting and typical sights in this lovely mountain valley of Valle de Anton…

painted public bus

Uno de los autobuses publicos pintados. / One of the painted public buses.

Public pay phones

Still-functioning cabinas telefonicas (phone booths), standing like dinosaurs, even though every other person here seems to have a cell phone to their ear.

mini mart in Valle de Ancon

The mini mart/convenience store M/S (short for Mini Supermercacdo) Fuente del Valle, an important town hub on the Avenida Principal (Main Street).

But the most emblematic shot of the Valle de Anton is this one:

people dogs bikes share the roads

A mom walking her child to school, a bicyclist, and a dog resting right in the middle… all sharing the road… just another peaceful day in Valle de Anton, Panama.

Have you been to Valle de Anton or anywhere like it?  Which of these pics is your favorite shot?  Love reading your comments!

Posted in learn italian, learn spanish, panama travel, Photo Foto Blog, the jet set gypsy, travel with jodina | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Ferie di agosto… in Panama! | Foto Blog

panama bay view

Panama Bay. This has been my beautiful view from the dining room. You can see the ships lining up to go through the canal. On the left are the Islas (Islands) Flamenco, Perico, and Naos and the Amador Causeway leading to the mainland.

This summer I have the good fortune of spending some time in Panama. For the remainder of August, I’m taking a break from my usual blog style and going into vacation mode, sharing pictures of things that catch my eye and a little about my experiences here. I’m getting some much-needed rest, absorbing local culture, and taking the chance to refresh my Spanish. (Info on fall Spanish classes, click here.) If you feel so inclined, I invite you to follow along!  I’ll be back again in fall doing the Italian thing. 🙂

First stop, Pamana City. I thought I’d be here for just a short visit before traveling to the interior, but the opportunity arose to stay on, and I said “¿Porque no?” (Why not?). I’ve been in Panama City for about two weeks now, and I’ve been able to take the time to explore it slowly, and to feel a little bit like I live here.

I’ve learned to navigate the oft-unmarked, nonparallel streets of my neighborhood, find my way without getting lost to the local supermarket, how not to get charged ‘foreigner’ rates by taxistas, and I’ve made a few new friends. It’s been fun — a wee bit unnerving at times — but mostly fun and very interesting. I’m in a very safe part of the city (Panama is for the most part a safe city), with lots of beauty to admire, and lots of green and birds and mango trees dropping their fruit to the ground (yum!).

These are a few images from my neighborhood, aptly named Bella Vista.

parque urraca

Parque Urraca. This sweet little park is nestled amidst old colonial houses, tall buildings and modern skyscrapers, and there are always lots of people enjoying it.

Ana Alejandra 3 years old jodina travel

Ana Alejandra, 3 years old, playing in the park.

mom and son on teeter totter jodina travel

MamĂĄ y hijo (mom and son) playing on the subibajo (teeter-totter).

big pink house jodina travel

Big pink house across from the park, surrounded by the lush greenery so common here.

sign - speak english in 4 months - jodina travel

“Speak English in 4 months, and dominate it completely in 8 months.” Dang!

green drogueria - jodina travel

Colorful neighborhood scene.

jasus the dog - jodina travel

Jasus (pronounced Ha-soos), smiles for me while waiting outside the market for his human.

shopping carts at supermarket - jodina travel panama

Los carritos (shopping carts) at Riba Smith, the neighborhood supermarket.

people shop and meet, riba smith supermercado - jodina travel panama

Riba Smith, where people shop… and meet.

duran cafe puro - Duran panamanian coffee - jodina travel panama

Duran, Duran… it’s in my morning cup!    [I dedicate this pic to my dear friend Peggers.]

helado de grape nut - grape nuts ice cream - jodina travel panama

So random I just had to try it… helado de grape nut … and that’s exactly what it is… vanilla ice cream with Grape Nuts cereal mixed in! Mah!

a mini supermarket - jodina travel panama

The Mini Super Parque Urraca, a Panamanian convenience store/mini mart.

girl doing homework - jodina travel panama

Una niña (a little girl) does her tarea de matemática (math homework) in her family’s “mini super”. Notice how familiar the product brands are. The dollar is legal tender here. The Balboa, the official Panamanian currency, is scantly circulated, and only in coin form.

a living wall - landscaping on side of skyscraper - jodina travel panama

A ‘living wall’ on the side of a rascacielos (skyscraper) up the street. Look closely, there are plants and grasses growing on this landscaped wall.

colonial house turned party store - jodina travel panama

Mundo de los Globos… An old colonial style building turned party store. The sign says “Yes, we have helium!” (Si, tenemos helio!) Whew! Cuz there’s a shortage, and… what’s a party without helium balloons??!

banco pichincha - jodina travel panama

Banco Pichincha. Say THAT 10 times fast!

vecinos amables - friendly neighbors - jodina travel panama

Some friendly folks that wanted to get in on the picture. ÂĄMuy amables! (Very friendly!)

jodina sightseeing - jodina travel panama

On my way out for a day of sightseeing. The umbrella serves for both rain and shine (paraguas y parasol) … There’s plenty of both here!

ÂĄAdios y hasta la proxima! (Good-bye and until the next one!)

Have you been to Panama? Which of these is your favorite shot? Love to get your comments!

Posted in learn italian, learn spanish, panama travel, the jet set gypsy, travel with jodina | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Siena | Part 3 | Centro storico, contrade & Palio

 narrow street siena italy jodina

Le strade di Siena sono strette perche’ nel medioevo l’intera citta` doveva stare all’interno delle mura che la proteggevano. Questa si trova nella Contrada dell’Oca, come si puo` notare dalle bandiere in vista che ritraggno, appunto, un’oca in campo verde. In questa foto, una donna cammina in salita portando un bambino in braccio. / The streets of Siena are narrow because in medieval times the entire city had to be within the walls that protected it. This one is in the Goose Quarter, which is noted by the flags in view depicting exactly that, a goose, on a green background. In this photo, a woman is walking up, carrying a child in her arms.

[Note this blog is written in Italian interspersed with the English translation.]

Per quest’ultima puntata su Siena, facciamo un giro per il centro storico, con la sua architettura medioevale, le sue contrade antiche, la famosa Torre del Mangia nella Piazza del Campo – dove, due volte l’anno, ha luogo il tradizionale Palio, e non possono mancare alcune interessanti foto della gente locale.

For this final installment on Siena, we’re taking a tour of the historical city center, with its medieval architecture, its ancient city quarters, the famous Mangia Tower in the Campo Square – where, twice a year, the traditional horse race takes place, and of course, a few interesting shots of local Siena folk.

Bacheca ocaioli - community bulletin board Oca quarter siena italy jodina

Ecco la bacheca della Contra dell’Oca. Siena e` suddivisa in 17 contrade, ognuna con le proprie chiese, musei, sedi storiche e circoli. Gli abitanti della contrada la vivono come un prolungamento della propria casa e fanno parte di un’unica grande famiglia.  /  Here is the community notice board of the Goose Quarter. Siena is divided into 17 quarters, each with its own churches, museums, historical sites, and circles or associations. The inhabitants of the quarter live it as an extension of their own homes and make up one big family.

Siena contrada della selva iTALY JODINA

Qui siamo nella Contrada della Selva. Sopra le insegne che indicano i nomi delle strade spesso si trovano anche le insegne delle contrade. / Here we are in the Forest Quarter. Above the signs indicating street names, you often also find the signs of the quarters.

siena contrada dell'aquila 4 - wm

La Nobile Contrada dell’Aquila.  /  The Noble Eagle Quarter.

shop window siena italy jodina

La vetrina di un negozio che vende caffettiere. In bella mostra anche una caffettiera a forma di oca, probabilmente ci troviamo nella Contrada dell’Oca! / The window of a shop that sells coffee makers. In full view is a coffee maker in the shape of a goose; we probably find ourselves in the Goose Quarter!

artisan in shop - artigiana in bottega - siena italy jodina

Un’artigiana lavora la cera in una bottega specializzata in candele artistiche. / An artisan works with wax in a small shop specializing in artistic candles.

Horse hitch -anello per legare cavalli siena italy jodina

Dettagli che raccontono la storia:  Siena e` famosa per i suoi Palii, infatti sulle mura si possono notare degli anelli, ai quali anticamente si legavano i cavalli. / Details that tell about history:  Siena is famous for its horse races; in fact, on the walls one can notice rings, to which horses were tied  in olden times.

Horse hitch -anello per legare cavalli siena italy jodina

In primo piano: un altro anello per legare i cavalli. / A closeup: another ring for tying horses.

Siena gentleman - signore senese - siena italy jodina

Un signore senese fa la passeggiata domenicale. / A Siena gentleman taking a Sunday stroll.

girls at ice cream shop - ragazze gelateria - siena italy jodina

Delle ragazze all’esterno di una gelateria. Chi sa quali gusti hanno preso? I miei preferiti sono il cioccolato e il pistacchio. / Girls outside of an ice cream shop. I wonder which flavors they got? My favorites are chocolate and pistachio.

Piazza del Campo Bar Palio - siena italy - jodina

Eccoci arrivati in Piazza del Campo. Le case soprastanti i negozi vantano un’ottima posizione dalla quale vedere il Palio… se si ha la fortuna di viverci o di potersi permettere di affittarne una per l’occasione. Il pubblico guarda la corsa da palchi allestiti in piazza. / Here we are arrived at the Campo (Field) Square. The houses above the shops boast an excellent position from which to view the horse race… if one has the luck of living there or can afford to rent one for the occasion. The public watches the race from bleachers set up in the square.

the staff and barristas of a coffee shop in Piazza  del Campo siena italy, jodina

Il personale di un caffè in Piazza del Campo. / The staff of a coffee shop in Campo Square.

Bar Palio patrons Piazza del Campo siena italy - jodina

Turisti e locali si godono un bel pranzetto davanti ad un panorama antico e spettacolare. / Tourists and locals enjoy a nice lunch before an ancient and spectacular panorama.

siena italy torre del mangia - jodina

Ed ecco la veduta… la famosa Torre del Mangia, che due volte all’anno fa da testimone al Palio di Siena: il 2 luglio e il 16 agosto. Per avere un’idea di com’e` un Palio e l’atmosfera che lo circonda, vedete il video sotto del Palio del 2 luglio 2013… ha vinto l’Oca! / And here’s the view… the famous Mangia Tower, which witnesses the Siena horse race two times a year: July 2nd and August 16th. For an idea of what a horse race and the atmosphere surrounding it is like, watch the video below of the July 2, 2013 race… the Goose won!

Have you been to Siena or seen the Palio horse race? Which is your favorite picture? Love your comments!

Upcoming: Fall Classes enrolling now! | Next blog: Le ferie di agosto all’italiana… in Centroamerica (August holidays Italian style… in Central America)



Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Holidays, italian travel, learn italian | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Siena | Part 2 | Veduta mozzafiato dalla terrazza panormica | Foto Blog

rooftops in the historic city center siena italy

[Note this blog is written in Italian interspersed with the English translation.]

       Dopo il mio giro per la Piazza del Duomo (Siena, Part 1, Duomo & People-watching), mi sono recata al cosidetto Facciatone che offre ai visitatori di Siena delle vedute mozzafiato. All’inizio del 300, si comincio` la costruzione di quello che doveva essere un enorme ampliamento del Duomo. Ma il progetto si fermo` nel 1348 quando Siena venne colpita dalla peste, che decimo` la popolazione.

       After my stroll through the Duomo Square (Siena, Part 1, Duomo & People-watching), I went to the so-called Facciatone (Big Facade) that offers visitors to Siena breathtaking views. At the beginning of the 14th century, construction was begun on what was to be an enormous enlargement of the Duomo. But the project was stopped in 1348 when Siena was struck by the plague, which decimated the population.

italy siena facciatone, duomo nuovo

Ecco il Facciatone, in mezzo.  /  Here’s the “Big Facade”, in the middle.

Non si e` mai ripresa la costruzione, e cio`  che e` rimasto e` solo un grande facciatone (da cui nacque il soprannome) che non sembra altro che un grande muro. Oggi il Facciatone (detto anche il Duomo Nuovo) serve come terrazza panoramica.  Si accede alla terrazza dal museo dell’opera del duomo situato accanto. Una scala a chiocciola porta in cima alla terrazza panoramica che fornisce spettacolari vedute di Siena a 360 gradi.

Construction was never resumed, and what has remained is only a huge facade (from which the nickname was born) that looks like nothing more than a big wall.  Today the Big Facade (also called the New Duomo) serves as a panoramic terrace. You can get to the terrace from the Duomo Museum located next door.  A spiral staircase takes you to the top of the panoramic terrace that provides spectacular 360-degree views of Siena.

a fiddler in siena italy near piazza del duomo

Proseguendo verso il Facciatone ecco un violinista appassionatissimo che ci fornisce una colonna sonora perfetta. / On the way to the “Big Facade” a very passionate fiddler provides us with the perfect soundtrack.

iodina ascending spiral staircase to view point, terrazza panormanica siena italy

Eccomi sulla scala a chiocciola quasi arrivata in cima alla terrazza. / Here I am on the spiral staircase, almost to the terrace on top .

view of siena countryside  in Ialy

La mia fatica mi regala una splendida e rinfrescante vista di Siena e dei dintorni verdeggianti. / My efforts reward me with a splendid and refreshing view of Siena and its verdant surroundings.

view from on high of duomo of siena, itaky

Una veduta del Duomo, della Piazza del Duomo e del campanile. / A view of the Duomo, Duomo Square and the bell tower.

view from on high of siena duomo, bell tower, and cupora

Il campanile e la cupola tra le nuvole. / The bell tower and the cupola in the clouds.

view from on high of cupola siena italy

La cupola del Duomo con la sua lanterna in stile barocco disegnato da Bernini. / The cupola of the Duomo with its baroque style lantern designed by Bernini.

view from on high of torrei del mangia, siena, italy

Una veduta della famosa Torre del Mangia; a sinistra un pezzetto della Piazza del Campo dove corrono i cavalli nel tradizionale Palio di Siena. / A view of the famous Mangia Tower; to the left a small piece of the Campo Square, where horses run in the traditional Siena horse race.

jodina in siena italy at top of panoramic terrace

Ce l’ho fatta! Ora mi riposo e mi godo le vedute mozzafiato di Siena. / I made it! Now I’m resting and enjoying the breathtaking views of Siena.

view of rooftops siena italy

Un ultimo sguardo dall’alto dei vecchi tetti di tegole di terracotta. Questi sembrano di essere disposti in uno schema a labirinto. / A last look from on high of the old terracotta tile roofs. These seem to arranged in labyrinth formation.

boots going down spiral staircase in Siena

Scendendo la scala a chiocciola. E` sicuramente valsa la pena salire! / Descending the spiral staircase. It was definitely worth going up!

Have you ever heard of the Facciatone? Which is your favorite view? Love your comments!

  [Grazie sentite ai miei assistenti di redazione Enzo e Giovanna ed alla mia assistente grafico Mimi!]

Posted in Italian Holidays, italian travel, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Siena | Part 1 | Piazza del Duomo & People-watching | Foto Blog

siena duomo closeup

Il Duomo di Siena in primo piano. / Closeup of the Cathedral of Siena.

          Quest’estate nelle mie lezioni di conversazione italiana abbiamo letto un giallo ambientato a Siena e nel percorso per scroprire chi l’ha fatto, abbiamo anche scoperto parecchio sulla cultura e la storia senesi. Cosi` mi e` sembrata l’occasione perfetta per condividere una serie di immagini catturate a questa bella citta`. Dedico questa prima puntata della serie ai miei studenti. Venite con me ora ad ammirare le vedute dalla Piazza del Duomo di Siena!

     This summer in my Italian conversation classes we read a mystery novel set in Siena, and in the course of discovering ‘whodunnit’, we also learned a great deal about Siena culture and history. So, it seemed like the perfect occasion to share a series of images captured in this beautiful city. I dedicate this first installment to my students. Come with me now to admire the views from Siena’s Duomo Square!

duomo of siena, italy, with view of bell tower and cupola

Il Duomo di Siena e` tra le cattedrali in stile romanico-gotico piu` importanti in Italia. Fu disegnato e completato tra il 1215 e 1263, costruito nel luogo in cui anticamente si trovava un tempio dedicato alla divinita` romana Minerva. / The Duomo of Siena is among the most important Roman-gothic style cathedrals in Italy. It was designed and completed between 1215 and 1263 on a location in which in ancient times stood a temple devoted to the Roman goddess Minerva.

Duomo steps- couple sitting - wm

Una giovane coppia contempla la vita dalle scale del Duomo. / A young couple contemplates life from the steps of the Duomo.
duomo of siena seen through an arch

Il campanile e la cupola del Duomo visti attraverso un portico. La facciata e` composta da righe alternate di marmo` bianco e nero verdastro in stile bizantino, essendo il bianco e il nero i colori simbolici di Siena. / The bell tower and the cupola of the Cathedral, seen through an arch. The facade is refinished in alternating white and greenish- black marble stripes in byzantine style, white and black being the symbolic colors of Siena.

an italian couple poses in piazza duomo

Una bella coppia italiana in visita da Livorno si mette in posa davanti al Duomo. / A nice Italian couple visiting from Leghorn poses in front of the Duomo.

duomo reflected in window

Il portone d’ingresso al Duomo e` riflesso in una finestra del palazzo davanti alla cattedrale. / The main door of the entrance to the Duomo is reflected in a window of the builiding opposite the cathedral.

lady walking a dog

Una compagna del nostro tour fa amicizia con un cagnolino senese in Piazza del Duomo. / One of our tour companions makes friends with a little Siena doggie in Duomo Square.

rear view of duomo with cupola lantern in sight

Una veduta dal lato anteriore del Duomo intravisto tra due palazzi. Da qui si vede un pezzetto del campanile e della lanterna della cupola – in stile barocco – che venne aggiunta da Bernini nel quindicesimo secolo.  / A view from a back side of the Duomo glimpsed between two buildings. From here you see a bit of the bell tower and the lantern of the cupola – in baroque style – that was added by Bernini in the fifteenth century.

nuns looking at souvenirs piazza duomo siena

Delle suore adocchiano una bancarella di ricordini in Piazza del Duomo ma non si fermano per comprare. / Some nuns eye a souvenir stand in Duomo Square, but they don’t stop to shop.

nuns walking into distance piazza del duomo siena

Le suore che se ne vanno. Ciao! / The nuns as they are walking away. Bye!

       Fine per ora. Ci vediamo alla prossima puntata… Rimanete sintonizzati per le migliori vedute panoramiche di Siena! / The end for now. See you for the next installment… Stay tuned for the best panoramic views of Siena!

Have you been to Siena? Which of these photos is your favorite?  Love your comments!

 [Grazie sentite ai miei assistenti di redazione Enzo e Giovanna ed alla mia assistente grafico Mimi!]

Posted in italian travel, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog | Tagged , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

People-watching a Verona | Foto Blog

heads of people-Torre Lamberti verona

Sopra le teste dei veronesi e dei turisti che affollano Via Mazzini, la Torre dei Lamberti domina la vista.  | Above the heads of the Veronese and the tourists that crowd the pedestrian street of Via Mazzini, the Lamberti Tower dominates the view.

Per quanto mi piace visitare musei e chiese, vedere monumenti e rovine, quello che mi piace forse ancora di piÚ è vedere la gente nei posti che visito.

As much as I like visiting museums and churches, and seeing monuments and ruins, perhaps what I like even more is seeing the people in the places I visit.

L’osservazione della gente ci lascia intravedere la vita moderna e vera di oggi — e tutte le belle vedute e gli edifici storici ne fanno uno scenario fantastico!

People-watching gives us glimpses into real, modern life today — and all the  beautiful, historical views make for a wonderful backdrop!

Facciamo una passaggiata per la bella città di Verona!  |  Let’s take a walk around the fair city of Verona!

two men in piazza Bra verona italy

Un uomo veronese nella storica Piazza Bra (dove inizia Via Mazzini) ci saluta e ci invita a visitare la sua cittĂ  incantevole. | A Veronese man in the historic Bra Square (where Via Mazzini begins) greets us and invites us to visit his enchanting city.

boys write on giulietta's wall-verona

Lavoro d’equipe: Dei ragazzi italiani si aiutano ad aggiungere un messaggio al muro vicino alla casa di Giulietta. | Teamwork: Italian boys help each other add a message to a wall near Juliet’s house.

girl front of giulietta locks gate-verona

Una ragazza in gita scolastica si mette in posa davanti al portone della casa di Giuletta. I lucchetti vengono attaccati dai visitatori innamorati. Ognuno rappresenta un desiderio per l’amore duraturo.  |  A girl on school trip poses in front of the gate at Juliet’s house. The padlocks are attached by enamoured visitors. Each one represents a wish for lasting love.

uomo + lavoratori scherzano-verona - man and worker joking-verona

Quest’uomo sembra leggere mentre cammina, ma se guardate attentamente, noterete che sia lui che il lavoratore al di sopra ridono, come se avessero appena scambiato una battuta.  |  This man seems to be reading as he walks, but if you look closely, you’ll see that both he and the worker above are laughing, as if they have just shared a joke.

business man in verona

Un uomo d’affari, all’apparenza stanco ma di bella presenza, forse si dirige al prossimo appuntamento.  |  A business man, looking tired but handsome, is perhaps on his way to his next appointment.

bambino a tavola ristorante greppia verona

Un bambino a tavola al Ristorante Greppia, vicina alla Casa di Giulietta, la cui specialità è la cucina tipica veronese. Il posto perfetto per una sosta appetitosa dopo una bella gita. |  A little boy at the table at Greppia Restaurant, near Juliet’s house, specializing in typical Veronese cuisine. The perfect place for a tasty break after a nice tour.

Conoscete Verona?  Siete stati alla Casa di Giulietta?  Qual è la vostra foto preferita? | Do you know Verona? Have you been to Juliet’s House? Which is your favorite photo?  Love your comments!

[Grazie sentite ai miei assistenti di redazione Enzo e Giovanna ed alla mia assistente grafico Mimi!]

Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Holidays, italian travel, learn italian | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Dal fruttivendolo | Fruits & Veggies all’italiana | Foto Blog

Simpatia fruttivendolo-greve greengrocer in greve in chianti italy

il fruttivendolo Simpatia a Greve in Chianti / the Simpatia (meaning ‘congeniality’) greengrocer, town of Greve, in Chianti

[NOTE:  This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation.]

In Italia la frutta e la verdura si possono comprare dal supermercato insieme agli altri fabbisogni alimentari, cosÏ come negli Usa, però il luogo piÚ comune, piÚ tradizionale e di gran lunga il piÚ divertente per acquistare prodotti agricoli è il fruttivendolo.

In Italy, you can buy fruit and vegetables at the supermarket along with other needed food items, just like in the States, but the most common, most traditional and by far the most fun place to purchase produce is from the fruttivendolo, or the greengrocer’s.

fruttivendolo-asparagi-venezia -asparagus at a greengrocer in  venice

Asparagi in mostra al mercatino del Rialto, Venezia / Asparagus on display at the open-air market in the Rialto, Venice

I fruttivendoli (detti anche ortolani) si trovano nelle zone residenziali insieme ad altri negozi e anche ai mercatini locali, dove gli italiani vanno regolarmente per comprare della frutta e della verdura fresche e dove molto probabilmente conoscono i nomi del proprietario e delle commesse del fruttivendolo.

Greengrocers (fruttivendoli, also called ortolani) are found in residential areas along with other shops and also at the local street/open-air markets, where Italians go regularly to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, and where they very probably know the names of the owner and shop assistants of the greengrocery.

fruttivendolo-insalata mista-greve-mixed greens at greengrocer, chianti, italy

Insalata mista e salvia dal fruttivendolo Simpatia, Greve in Chianti / Mixed salad greens and sage at the Simpatia greengrocer

Siccome stiamo entrando in piena stagione del giardinaggio e della coltivazione degli orti, e con essa l’entusiasmo per ogni forma di frutta e ortaggio che abbondano nei caldi giorni estivi, mi sembrava l’occasione perfetta per condividere alcune foto delle delizie trovate dai fruttivendoli italiani. Non solo sono belle, ma secondo me, la produzione agricola italiana è tra le più gustose che abbia assaggiato.  Godete!

Since we are entering into the high season of gardening and vegetable garden cultivation, and with it enthusiasm for every type of fruit and vegetable that abounds in the hot summer days, it  seemed like the perfect occasion to share some photos of the delights found at Italian greengrocers. Not only are they beautiful, but in my opinion, Italian produce is among the tastiest.  Enjoy!

fruttivendolo-zucchine-greve-zucchini at greengrocer in chianti

Zuccchine con i fiori ancora intatti. Sono buonissimi nel risotto! Dal fruttivendolo Simpatia, Chianti. / Zucchini with their flower blooms still intact. These are great in risotto!

fruttivendolo-peperoncini-venezia-chili peppers drying at the market in venice

Peperonicini appesi per essicare. Notate gli spicchi d’aglio. Venezia. / Chili peppers hung to dry. Note the cloves of garlic. Venice.

fruttivendolo credit policy-greve-greengrocer's humorous strore credit policy

Il proprietario del fruttivendolo Simpatia mette in mostra la sua spiritosa prassi sul credito: “Faccio credito solo ai novantenni se accompagnati dai genitori.” / The owner of Simpatia greengrocer displays his humorous store credit policy: “I offer credit only to those in their 90s, if accompanied by parents.”

Have any interesting Italian fruttivendolo anecdotes? Are you keeping un orto (a vegetable garden) this summer? Are your favorite verdure (vegetables) shown in these photos? Love to read your comments!

[Grazie sentite ai miei assistenti di redazione Giovanna ed Enzo e alla mia assistente grafico Mimi!]

Posted in Italian Food, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Gironzolando per Montepulciano | Strolling through Moltepulciano | Foto Blog

Comune di Montepulciano2

Montepulciano. Voi siete qui…! |               You are here…!

[NOTE:  This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation.]

Un gioiello di città di montagna: Montepulciano.  Si trova nel cuore della regione del Vino Nobile a sudest di Firenze.  È il paese di montagna piÚ grande della Toscana del sud ed è racchiuso tra antiche mura costruite nel 1511. Montepulciano, che ha origini dal popolo degli Etruschi, vanta delle bellissime viste e viuzze tra chiese e strutture rinascimentali. È proprio un bel posto per andare a zonzo.

A jewel of a hill town: Montelpulciano. It’s in the heart of the Vino Nobile wine region southwest of Florence.  It is the biggest hill town in southern Tuscany and is enclosed by ancient walls built in 1511. Montepulciano, which dates back to the Etruscans, boasts beautiful views and narrow streets among churches and renaissance-era buildings. It’s really a beautiful place to wander…

i cipressi

I cipressi | Cypresses

I cipressi:  Paesaggio visto dalla Porta al Prato, uno dei principali accessi alla città. (Prima dell’uso delle carte stradali, i cipressi si piantarano lungo i cammini per segnalarli ai viaggiatori.)

Cypresses:  Panorama seen from near Porta al Prato, one of the main city gates. (Before the use of maps, cypresses were planted along roadsides as a way to indicate them to travelers)

bellringer atop clock tower

La Torre delll’orologio in Piazza Grande, nel punto più alto della città, con in cima Pulcinella che batte le ore sulla campana.  |  Clock tower in the main square, at the highest point of the city, with Punch on top hammering out the hours on the bell.

raggi di sole sulla panca in chiesa2

I raggi di sole su una panca nella Chiesa di Sant’Agostino in Piazza Grande | Sunbeams on a bench in Sant’Agostino Cathedral in the main square

candela per nonna

Ho acceso una candela per la mia nonnetta. | I lit a candle for my granny.

sdraiata su un muro

Il panorama vista dal muro antico su cui stavo riposando. Che cielo! | The view as I was resting on the ancient wall. What a sky!

via della fortuna

La via della Fortuna | Lucky Street (The Street of Fortune)

n. 10 via della foruna

n. 10 via della Fortuna | #10 Lucky Street


Un vicolo in salita | An alley in ascent

signore che passeggia2

Un signore che passeggia | A man out for a stroll


Il Palazzo Cantucci con le sottostanti Cantine Cantucci, un tesoro “nascosto”   |  The Cantucci Building with its underlying Cantucci Wine Cellars, a “hidden” treasure

Wine cellar

Barili di vino nelle cantine sotteranee | Wine barrels in the underground cellars

teatro dei burattini

Il Meraviglioso Teatro dei burattini |  The Marvelous Puppet Theater


Alla fine della passeggiata ho incontrato un vecchio amico e il mio burattino preferito! |  At the end of my walk I met an old friend and my favorite puppet — Pinocchio!

[Grazie sentite al mio assistente redazione Enzo Heinz D’Albis]

Have you been to Montepulciano?  Which picture is your favorite? 

Leave a comment below!

Posted in italian travel, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

Amici a quattro zampe in Toscana | Four-legged Friends in Tuscany | Foto Blog

[NOTE:  This post is written in Italian, interspersed with the English translation.]

       Nell’ultimo viaggio in Italia, tra le nuove amicizie che ho fatto, non tutti parlavano l’italiano.  Mi riferisco agli amici a quattro zampe.  Ho avuto la bella fortuna di passare un pò di tempo nella natura, e cosi passeggiando nella campagna toscana, la mia strada si è incrociata con quella di alcuni animali!

Ecco alcuni immagini di loro…

       On my last trip to Italy, not all of the new friends I made spoke Italian.  I’m referring, of course, to my four-legged (literally, four-pawed) friends.  I had the good fortune to spend a little time in nature, and walking through the Tuscan countryside, my path crossed with that of some animals! 

Here are some pictures of them…

Due capre a spasso | Two goats out for a stroll

Due capre a spasso | Two goats out for a stroll

Un pavone passeggia tra i fiori di campo | A peacock strolls through the wildflowers

Un pavone passeggia tra i fiori di campo | A peacock strolls through the wildflowers

Beato gatto -- che vista! | Lucky cat -- what a view!

Beato gatto — che vista! | Lucky cat — what a view!

Un pisolino dopo pranzo | A nap after lunch

Un pisolino dopo pranzo | A nap after lunch

Capre, capretti, e un cavallino che pascolano in un campo | Goats, kids, and a pony grazing in a meadow

Capre, capretti, e un cavallino che pascolano in un campo | Goats, kids, and a pony grazing in a meadow

“Miao,” mi chiamo Attilio. | “Meow,” my name is Attilio.

jodina e il gatto nero | jodina and the black cat

Un nuovo amico! | A new friend!

Quale dei miei amici a quattro zampe è il tuo preferito? | Which of my four-pawed friends is your favorite? | Leave a comment below!

[Grazie al mio bravissimo assistente redazione Enzo Heinz D’Albis!]

Posted in italian travel, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Photo Foto Blog | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments