Italiani che lavorano | Italians at Work | Foto Blog


Siccome negli USA questa settimana abbiamo celebrato la Festa del Lavoro (che in Italia si osserva il primo maggio), ho deciso di condividere con voi alcune foto di italiani che lavorano (scattate durante il mio recente viaggio in Toscana) — alcuni che fanno dei mestieri insoliti ed altri che fanno dei lavori piu’ tradizionali. Buona visione!



Since this week in the States we celebrated Labor Day (observed on May 1st in Italy), I’ve decided to share some pictures of Italians working (taken on my recent trip to Tuscany) — some are carrying out unusual professions and others are doing more traditional jobs. (Happy viewing) – Enjoy!


waiters in florence italy

Dei camerieri a Firenze che preparano per il pranzo fuori / Waiters in Florence preparing for lunch outdoors



a human statue in florence italy

Una statua umana che si ritocca il trucco / A human statue retouches his makeup



a barrista in Piedmont serves cappuccino

Giovanni, il proprietario di un bar nel Piemonte serve un cappuccio con le note musicali / The owner of a bar in Piedmont serves up a cappuccino with musical notes



an artisan creates mosaics in montepulciano italy

Un artigiano che crea dei lavori in mosaico a Montepulciano / An artisan creates mosaic works in Montepulciano


YOUR THOUGHTS:  If you could drop everything, go to live in Italy, and do one of these jobs, which would you choose?


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8 Responses to Italiani che lavorano | Italians at Work | Foto Blog

  1. lrm says:

    probably the artist; i love montepulciano! but i dont think i could create all of those icon mosaics-or tourist driven themes….so maybe a larger city would be a better spot. but i love the small hill towns, refined, elegant and calm! Is there one that also has an avant garde vibe to it? i also love the ‘white towns’ in puglia-always dream of living there b/c they feel like a dream, but again, a bit more reserved and traditional, cities a better choice for me for that reason. People there were so kind and generous, though. Rome, to me, was the most suprising of any large city i’ve lived in or been to: People were inordinately kind and civilized, with so much going on-it was quite a juxtaposition to experience.

  2. stacy says:

    So quel ristorante! Sul Piazza della Repubblica, no? Anche Galileo! Grazie per condividere, Jodina!

  3. Mimi says:

    La statua humana is a really neat photo, but I’d rather be il artigiano. Nice blog!

  4. admin says:

    Grazie Mimi! Io ti vedo proprio a fare l’artigiana 🙂

  5. admin says:

    Si! Credo che hai ragione Stacy. Mi fa piacere di sapere che ti piacciono le foto 🙂

  6. admin says:

    Hey Irm, thanks for stopping by!
    The hill towns are sweet (and I’d love to see the white towns), but I love a big city, too. I left my heart in Milano 🙂
    Stammi bene /take care, Jodina

  7. Riccardo says:

    Jodina-Con queste foto, posso sognare che vivo in Italia( with these photos, I can dream that I live in Italia )–mille grazie , ci vediamo!–Riccardo

  8. admin says:

    Ciao Riccardo,
    grazie per il commento e complimenti per il tuo italiano — bravo!

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