Una Celebrazione di FIBER ARTS>>

Le antiche arti femminili

fiber arts


Perhaps you practice one of the many varieties of fiber arts, or perhaps you just appreciate i prodotti finiti (the finished products) resulting from skills that have been tramandati da generazione in generazione (passed from generation to generation)


Before la produzione in massa (mass production), fiber arts were integral to the creation of everyday knit and woven goods. These traditional artisan art forms now enjoy great popularity as hobbies.


Mimi al telaio (Mimi at the loom)


L’ispirazione per questo blog (The inspiration for this blog post) comes from my student Mimi, an accomplished tessitrice e filatrice (weaver and spinner).  This weekend (October 8-9, 2011) is the Vista Fiber Arts Fiesta.  If you are lucky enough to live near north San Diego County, check out this link and check out the event! www.VistaFiberArtsFiesta.com


Here is Italian vocabulary related to the most popular forms of fiber arts:

  1. le antiche arti femminili: literally, the ancient feminine arts. While there are no exact translations for fiber arts, this term perhaps comes the closest.
  2. lavorare a maglia/Lavorare a uncinetto: to knit/to crochet
  3. i ferri per la maglia: knitting needles
  4. l’uncinetto: crochet hook
  5. il gomitolo di lana: ball of wool/yarn
  6. la matassa: skein
  7. il filo di lana/di seta: wool/silk yarn
  8. le forbici: scissors
  9. il metro da sarta: tape measure
  10. la tessitura: weaving
  11. un tessitore, m/una tessitrice, f: a weaver
  12. tessere a mano: to weave by hand
    Lavorare a telaio:  to weave with a loom
  13. un filatore, m./una filatrice, f.: spinner
  14. il filatoio a mano: spinning wheel
  15. cucire: to sew
  16. la macchina per cucire: sewing machine
  17. l’ago e il filo: needle and thread
  18. il cartamodello: pattern


Do you practice any of the fiber arts (le antiche arti femminili)

Got any words to add to this glossary? I love hearing your comments!


I filatoi a mano (Spinning wheels)


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4 Responses to Una Celebrazione di FIBER ARTS>>

Le antiche arti femminili

  1. Donutella says:

    My grandmother used to make beautiful lace tablecloths by hand doing something she called “tatting”. I couldn’t find an Italian translation, but I found a WordReference forum all about lace. One person wrote that there are only two kinds of real lace and that these are probably “pizzo” and “merletto”.

    I also knew a Swiss woman in the 70s and 80s who created huge, amazing works of fiber art in macramé and held exhibits all over Europe. Is there an Italian word for that?

    Another fiber art vocab word might be “ricamare” (to embroider).

  2. Giovanna Bravender says:

    Jodina, non é sempre un’arte femminile, ci sono mollti tesseri maschili ! Correzione : tessetori
    Buon vocabulario !

  3. admin says:

    Ciao Donutella!
    per ‘tatting’ ho trovato anche il termine ” chiacchierino”.
    Ricamare e’ infatti la parola per ‘to embroider’. (Embroidery = ricamo)
    E per ‘macrame’ … non trovo niente…
    Sono contenta che ti sia piacuto il blog 🙂

  4. admin says:

    Ciao Giovanna! —
    hai ragione… giorno d’oggi ci sono anche dei tessitori (maschi) … pero’ anticamente, questi lavori si considerarono le arti femminili — mentre il lavori dei maschi erano quelli del commercio, del operaio, della caccia, ecc.

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