Category Archives: Italian Food

You say tomato… | i Pomodori | Recipe Blog

. You may say tomato, while I say pomodoro, but we both gotta agree that this time o’ year the dang things are everywhere. Which I guess would explain why ben due volte quest’estate (at least 2 times this summer) … Continue reading

Posted in italian cooking, Italian Food, italian recipes, Italian Vocabulary, learn italian, Vocaboli Italiai | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nutella-filled Red Velvet Cake Pops – The Odyssey!

Recently, in honor of World Nutella Day… Giada Antonucci (friend, Italian student, and baking-partner-in-crime) and I got together to concoct a recipe that I dreamt up using Nutella (that most delicious, creamy chocolate & hazlenut Italian spread). . . Annual … Continue reading

Posted in italian cooking, Italian Food, italian recipes, Italian Vocabulary, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Italian Vocabulary:

>> Favorite Italian Christmas Words & Practices

. Some of my favorite things about the Italian Christmas holiday season are — not surprisingly — edible. Starting with le castagne, il panettone, and le lenticchie, following is a list of a few of my favorite Italian Christmas holiday … Continue reading

Posted in Italian Customs, Italian Food, Uncategorized, Vocaboli Italiai | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

On Italian Food, Eating + Restaurants in Italy

–Comic John Pinette–

This video is a howl! Ti spanciarerai dalle risate (You will bust a gut/split your sides laughing)! ~ Comic John Pinette dishes about how his craving for Italian food while on a work stint in south France ends up in … Continue reading

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