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This week’s Italian Language Nugget is brought to you by yet another vowel sound pronunciation landmine. The letter in question is U. Just like the vowels A [“Don’t Call Me Al“] and I [“Rhymes with Tree“], it’s a very straightforward sound.
Anatomy of U
In Italian, unless it’s paired with Q, the letter U is pronounced like a short, decisive /ooh/. It’s the same sound heard in the English words boot, shoe, blue, and crew.
Some common Italian Vowel Sound U words are uno, due, tu, su, lui, and cucina. See the Word Glossary at the end of this post for word definitions and more U words.
Q + U = If U shows up after Q, the combo of the two letters is /kw/, the same as in English. Some frequent QU combo words in Italian are qui, qua, quando, and quale.
[Side note: the QU combo in Italian is different than in Spanish, where it’s pronounced /k/, as in queso /kay-so/, the Spanish word for cheese]
It’s never about YOU
U’s not a tricky letter, but occasionally Italian language learners get snagged on cognates [words that look, sound, and have similar meanings between languages] such as museo, continuare, and università.
Because their English equivalents contain a consonant Y sound, it takes some effort to pronounce the U in those words as only /ooh/ and not as YOU, because… when it comes to U in Italian It’s never about YOU 😀 😀 😀
There you have it, the Italian Vowel Sound U. I Hope this has been helpful. Be sure to check out the Word Glossary below for more U practice words.
– Are you saying it correctly?? Listen to the mini podcast of this Language Nugget to hear and practice saying these words right!
Leave a comment! Is the Italian Vowel Sound U /ooh/ easy or tricky for you? Are there any words that really trip you up? Let me know what other Italian pronunciation landmines you’d like me to cover. I look forward to reading your thoughts and questions in the comments section below! [And if you haven’t yet, do sign up for updates, and you’ll never miss a Language Nugget!]
Word Glossary
Here’s a roundup of common words in Italian with the /ooh/ sound:
- Uno | one
- due | two
- tu | you (familiar, singular)
- Su | up, on, above
- lui | he
- cucina | kitchen, cuisine
- minuto | minute
- buono | good
- ufficio | office
- più | more
- guardare | to watch
- tutto | all, everything
- vuole | he, she, it wants (from the verb volere)
- uomo | man
- comune | common, community, municipality
- giusto | right, correct, just
- turista | tourist
- suo | his, her, its
- subito | immediately, right away
- aiuto | help
- ultimo | last, final, most recent
- studiare | to study
- scuola | school
- menù | menu
And here are some frequent QU combo words:
- qui, qua | here (used interchangeably)
- quando | when
- quale | which
- questo | this
- quello | that
- quasi | almost
- qualche | some
- qualcosa | something
- qualcuno | someone
Finally, be on the lookout for these sneaky cognates (and remember, it’s never about YOU):
- museo | museum
- cellulare | cell phone
- continuare | to continue
- università | university
- sicuro | sure, certain, safe, secure, trustworthy
- sicuramente | surely, certainly, safely, securely
Grazie Jodina,
Sempre mi aiuta molto ascoltare e practicare come pronunciare le parole.
Prego, Cristina! Mi fa molto piacere! Grazie per il tuo commento 😀