Saying “I love you” in Italian


Come si dice “I love you” in italiano? (Come si dice? = How do you say?) is always una buona domanda (a good question), especially around il giorno di San Valentino (Valentine’s Day).


La risposta (the answer) depends on who you’re saying “I love you” to.


Per evitare di fare brutta figura (to avoid making an ungainly gaffe), watch my short video below, and be in the know!


Buon San Valentino a tutti i miei lettori! Vi voglio bene!

(Happy Valentine’s day to all my readers! I love you!)


P.S. Want to send a free online Italian Valentine’s card to someone special? Check out!



Do you have a favorite romantic phrase in Italian? Or is there one you’d like to know? Let me hear from you below!


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5 Responses to Saying “I love you” in Italian

  1. nicola says:

    Bravissima Jodina ! thumbs up for Jodina !, you are the best italian teacher, all is explained so well and clear, ti voglio bene bella

  2. Ronda says:

    TVB Jodina!
    (Ti Voglio Bene)
    I love your video posts!

  3. admin says:

    Grazie Nico e Ronda!

    Vi mando un grande abbraccio 🙂

  4. maria says:

    MI piace TANTO questo bellissimo video! TVB ; ) Ciao, bella…

  5. admin says:

    Grazie sorellamica (ti piace la nuova parola che ho inventato per te?!) TVTB :-))

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