Ciao! Welcome!
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I’m looking forward to hanging out with you Sunday afternoon. It’s a casual event – a hangout in my kitchen while I’m preparing my favorite soup this time of year, zuppa di lenticchie (lentil soup).
It’s delicious and easy to make, and if you want, you can cook along from the comfort of your own kitchen! If you prefer to watch and then make the zuppa later, you can do it while following along with the replay.
It’s a chance to meet up and connect. You’ll be able to ask questions and participate in the live chat.
Can’t stay for the whole time? Not a problem. Arrive and leave as you need to.
Zoom info – Scroll to bottom
Printable, downloadable materials: prep & shopping lists | recipe
For the cocktail:
-FRUIT – cut up into chunks: pear, apple, mandarin, pink grapefruit (if you can’t find exactly these, be creative)
-Sprig of mint
-Sparkling water
-Dry white wine (remainder of the one you used for the lentils plus an extra bottle if desired)
-To make a virgin mocktail, you could substitute white grape juice or sparkling cider.
-Pitcher or other container to hold it all, preferably glass
-Anything else you think might be good in a white winter sangria
Zoom meeting info
Techie NOTES: 1) Allow yourself time to check your audio/video/mic ahead of the event. 2) If possible, set your name on the Zoom screen to the same name you used to sign up.
Jodina Gallo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Let’s Make Zuppa!
Time: Sun, Jan 8, 2023 – 1:00 pm PT (2pm MT, 3pm CT, 4pm ET)
Duration: approx 2 hours
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 9382 0917
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