Hi there!
“Il detto della domenica” means “The Sunday Saying” (or expression).
This will be a regular weekly feature on my web/blog-site, and will be a showcase for Italian proverbs, idioms, and tongue twisters.
This week’s “La fame viene mangiando”, meaning Hunger comes (while) eating, refers to that curious phenomenon whereby you may not feel hungry (‘avere fame’) until you’re actually in the act of eating or seeing the food… and then ‘boom’ out of nowhere, you’re suddenly ravenous!
While often used in reference to eating, this expression or proverb is also often used in other situations where one might not really feel like doing some thing or activity until actually midstream in the act… calling to mind the English (American) expression “Fake it ’til you make it!”
Ecco perche’ gli italiani hanno cosi’ tanti piatti…l’antipasta, il primo, il secondo, il principale, il dolce! Ma quando io mangio il cioccolato “la fame viene mangiando”! Non posso mangiarne solo uno…li mangio sempre in una sfilza…uno dopo l’altro! 😉