Intermediate Italian Conversation Class —
Follow-up to Class 7/8, June 9-10
- Vocab practice — NEW WOWs — password: jodina8. There WILL be a challenge next, our final spring class! 🙂
- Review Ch. 9- Le due segretarie, reading aloud for pronunciation practice.
- Pre-read Ch. 10 La caccia , looking up new words, and doing the related exercises. We will work on it more in this week’s class.
- Extra: Websites for Verb Conjugation practice — Verbs-online | Conjugemos
- If you have questions, get in touch ASAP… don’t wait until class.
- Remember, language acquisition is gradual. Quindi, if you want to increase your chances of learning and retaining, study a little bit on a regular basis rather than a whole bunch right before class… and stick with it — slow and steady wins the race 🙂
- Remember that this is something you enjoy and are doing for personal enrichment!
Audio for Ch.10:
Follow-up to Class 6/8, June 2-3
- Vocab practice — NEW WOWs — password: jodina8.
- Review Ch. 7- I contrabbandieri, reading aloud for pronunciation practice.
- Pre-read Ch. 9- Le due segretarie, looking up new words, and doing the related exercises. We will work on it more in this week’s class. {Note: As we have 2 classes but 3 chapters remaining, we will be covering Ch. 9 + 10 in class. Of course you are welcome to do Ch. 8 on your own!}
- Bonus: read up on Lampedusa (search results), I found this article interesting.
- Extra: Websites for Verb Conjugation practice — Verbs-online | Conjugemos
Audio for Ch.9:
Follow-up to Class 5/8, May 26-27
- Choose and describe in writing one of the four photos below (click image to see it larger) using as many as last week’s WOWs as you can (link to WOWs below).
- Preread Ch. 7- i contrabbandieri, looking up new words, and doing the related exercises. We will work on it more in this week’s class.
- Vocab practice — Previous week’s WOWs — password: jodina8.
Audio for Ch.7:
Follow-up to Class 4/8, May 19-20
- Ch. 5 – Stanza numero 201: Re-read/re-listen to Ch.5, and answer these questions. Bring your answers to class. :
- Chi ha ammazzato il gioielliere, e perche’? Da ponderare: Secondo te, Siro e Gianni vengono davvero a Villanea ogni anno, perche’?/ [To ponder: Do Siro + Gianni really come to Villanea every year for vacation? Why?] Come potrebbero essere nel registro dell’hotel ogni anno nella stessa data. [How could they be in the hotel register every year on the same date.].
- Vocab practice — This week’s WOWs — password: jodina8. THERE WILL BE A CHALLENGE NEXT WEEK!
- Next chapter: Read/Listen to ch. 6, “Vacanze in Sudamerica”, then read again, highlighting and looking up words you don’t know. | Do exercises on pg. 32 and 53. Check answers on p. 60.
- Extra: Websites for Verb Conjugation practice — Verbs-online | Conjugemos
- Attualità e cultura / Current Events & Culture: Mt. Etna è erutta la scorsa setmimana: ecco i video!
Audio for Ch.6:
Follow-up to Class 3/8, May 12-13
Ch. 5 – Stanza numero 201:
- Simultaneously listen to audio (on your CD, also click-able below) while reading chapter.
- Read thru ch. 5 again, highlighting and looking up words you don’t know.
- Do exercises on pgs. 27 and 52. Check answers on p. 59.
- Vocab practice — This week’s WOWs — pasword: jodina8. THERE WILL BE A CHALLENGE NEXT WEEK!
- Verb Conjugation practice –Two websites to check out: Verbs-online and Conjugemos
- If you have questions, get in touch ASAP… don’t wait until class.
- Remember, language acquisition is gradual. Quindi, if you want to increase your chances of learning and retaining, study a little bit on a regular basis rather than a whole bunch right before class.
- Remember that this is something you enjoy and are doing for personal enrichment!
Audio for Ch.5:
Follow-up to Class 2/8, May 5-6
Ch. 4 Il fuggitivo:
- Reread it, practice aloud, answer Qs on pg. 2, and if you have the book, pg. 51, check answers p.59
- Do the verb analysis: underline and number each verb/verb phrase in the4 chapter, andon a sheet of paper write the number, the verb/verb phrase, then the infinitive form of the verb, the tense it is in in the story, and the person/subject pronoun. Example: 1) è scappato, scappare, passato prossimo, 3rd person singular/lui
- To do the above exercise, review your verb tense cheat sheets. Here they are if you need them: PRESENTE | Stare + Gerundio / Stare per + Infinito | PASSATO PROSSIMO | IMPERFETTO | FUTURO | CONDIZIONALE
- Practice this week’s WOW’s on Quizlet
Cultural Bonus Links: Vespa, Wiki: ItalianEnglish | Champagne vs. Prosecco
Audio for Ch.4:
Intermediate Italian Conversation Class —Follow-up to Class 1/8, April 28-29
Compiti —
1. Study the WOW’s (Words O’ the Week), spelling AND definition, and speak them aloud. [Brief quiz next week.]
2. Write three more sentences to add to the description of the photo you received in class. Challenge: Use as many of the WOW’s as you can. Bring sentences with you.
3. For variety: On this free vocab practice website I have created a vocab list of the WOW’s for you to practice with: Tuesday PM Class and Wednesday AM Class. Click on your list and find many fun exercises to test your knowledge. [Note: Should you be asked for a password, it’s jodina8]
4. Cultural bonus: Click for info & fotos on topics from the pictures we used in class this week ==> Ranieri pasticceria tipica milanese, Pedestrian street via Paolo Sarpi pics, via Paolo Sarpi Wiki