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Category Archives: learn italian
A Good Sign | Un buon segno | Foto Blog
Let me just start this blog post with a disclaimer: I am fully aware that while the pun âA good signâ works in English, it gets lost in translation. Still, it was catchy, so I went with it. . This … Continue reading
Italiani che lavorano | Italians at Work | Foto Blog
ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Siccome negli USA questa settimana abbiamo celebrato la Festa del Lavoro (che in Italia si osserva il primo maggio), ho deciso di condividere con voi alcune foto di italiani che lavorano (scattate durante il mio recente viaggio … Continue reading
When life gives you zucchini… make zuppa! | Italian Food
. FOR ENGLISH VERSION, SCROLL DOWN. Lâaltro giorno un amico mi ha regalato delle zucchine del suo giardino e poi ci eâ capitato di cenare al ristorante Bencotto nel Little Italy di San Diego. Liâ ho gustato la loro deliziosa … Continue reading
You say tomato… | i Pomodori | Recipe Blog
. You may say tomato, while I say pomodoro, but we both gotta agree that this time oâ year the dang things are everywhere. Which I guess would explain why ben due volte questâestate (at least 2 times this summer) … Continue reading
3-Wheeled Bees! |Le api a tre ruote | Foto Blog
TO READ IN ITALIAN, SCROLL DOWN PAST PHOTOS I must admit I have a soft spot for those little 3-wheeled trucks you see in Italy â theyâre adorable. Thatâs why I didnât miss any chances to let them mug up … Continue reading
Foto-Blog: Una passeggiata per Firenze / A Stroll Through Florence
. Benvenuti a Firenze! (Welcome to Florence!) On the trip I recently led to Toscana (Tuscany), we spent a couple days in this gorgeous city. . Considerata il luogo dâorigine del Rinascimento (considered the birthplace of the Renaissance), Firenze Ú la … Continue reading
Photo Blog: Milano, la musa / Milan, the Muse
On the first leg of this trip to Italy (en route to meet up with the group I am currently leading on a tour in Tuscany), I was able to spend several days in Milan⊠a place I called home … Continue reading
“Grazie, Firenze!” Guest Blog #3: A student in Florence
Ecco (Here is) Lisaâs latest blog post! If you havenât read her previous entries, theyâre here: Guest Blog Part 2, Guest Blog Part 1 In breve (in breief), Lisa, one of my students, is living her sogno (dream) by spending … Continue reading