International Women’s Day – Auguri alle donne!

festa donna 8 marzoMarch 8th, International Women’s Day, is celebrated widely in many countries around the world, though it is little known in the US. I first heard of it shortly after I’d moved to Italy.

Women’s Day is a celebration of all that is wonderful about women, and it’s a day to pause and reflect on the accomplishments and importance of the role of women in our world. It’s also a moment to consider improvements and changes needed to better the quality of women’s lives in general, and especially of women and girls whose rights and life conditions are compromised or perilous.

In Italia la Festa della Donna si festeggia l’8 di marzo. | In Italy, Women’s day is celebrated on March 8th.

festa donna mazze mimose

Mazze di mimose | Bouquets of mimosa flowers

Gli uomini regalano i fiori, solitamente le mimose, alle colleghe di lavoro e a tutte le altre donne importanti nelle loro vite… mamme, sorelle, fidanzate, ragazze, ecc. | Men give flowers, usually mimosas, to their co-workers and to all the other important women in their lives… moms, sisters, fiances, girlfriends, etc.

And contrary to popular belief, the mimosa is not just a popular cocktail made from succo d’arancia (orange juice) and champagne. Rather, it was the mimosa flower that inspired the drink!


The famous mimosa cocktail

The mimosa is the fragrant and fluffy yellow pom-pom-like flower of the acacia tree.  Like in Italy, California (where Italiano With Jodina is based) is full of acacia trees this time of year, which is why this flower is so common on this day.  I love the smell of these flowers — their fragrance zooms me straight back to wonderful memories of life in Italy!

Special Women’s Day auguri (well wishes) for the special ladies in your life:

  1. Auguri a tutte le donne del mondo ed in particolare alla mia che è la più bella che ci sia!” | Good wishes to all the women of the world and in particular to mine who is the most beautiful there is!
  2. Questa mimosa è bella come te che splendi e profumi nel giorno della tua festa.” | This mimosa is as beautiful as you that shine and are fragrant on your special day.
  3. La donna è la colonna portante del mondo, senza te tutto crollerebbe e la nostra famiglia andrebbe in rovina… Grazie donna, grazie mamma.” | The woman is the main support column of the world, without you everything would collapse and our family would go into ruin… Thank you woman/lady, thank you mom.

women dressed in yellowRemember to give an extra hug or shout out today to the women that matter in your life. And remember the women whose lives are not what they could be… We’ve come a long way baby, ma c’è ne ancora di strada da fare! (there’s still a ways to go!)

Leave a comment! Have you heard of Women’s Day before?  Do you celebrate it?  Which mimosa do you prefer, the flower or the cocktail?

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