Fave 3 Friday: Words To Live By | Parole di vita

Questa settimana condivido tre parole preferite. | This week I am sharing three favorite words:

assaporare | passioni | apprezzare

savor | passions | appreciate

Permettetemi di contestualizzare. Questa settimana ho saputo che è venuta a mancare un’amica d’infanzia. Un tempo eravamo molto vicine, poi, traslochi di famiglia, scelte di vita differenti e soggiorni in paesi distanti, avevano creato molta distanza tra noi. Comunque sia, occuperà sempre uno spazio prezioso nel mio cuore e nella memoria dei ricordi.

Let me put those in context. This past week I learned of the passing of a childhood friend. At one time we were very close, but family moves, different life paths and far-away travels had put distance between us. All the same, she will always hold a cherished place in my heart and in my memories.

Ancora una volta lheart with hands, sunseta vita mi ha ricordato di quanto può essere effimera. Era giovane, vivace e conduceva un’esistenza piena e significativa, finché un tumore non ha deciso di prendere residenza nel suo cervello. La notizia mi ha profondamente rattristato e ricordato che viviamo sempre di tempo preso in prestito e l’unica certezza è il momento presente.

Once again life reminded me of how fleeting it can be. She was young, vibrant and living a full and purposeful life, until a tumor decided to take up residence in her brain. The news saddened me greatly, and reminded me that we are always living on borrowed time, and that the only certainty is the present moment.

Sulla sponda opposta di tristezza e lacrime, la morte della mia amica mi ha ispirato ad onorare la sua memoria e rinnovare il mio voto a vivere pienamente.

On the other side of sadness and tears, my friend’s death has inspired me to honor her memory by renewing my vow to live life fully.

Ecco ancora quelle parole… parole di vita: | Here again those words… words to live by:

Asapora ogni giorno. |  Savor each day.

Non rimandare l’inseguimento delle tue passioni. | Don’t put off following your passions.Jenny Behnke

Apprezza ciò che è bello e dì alle persone importanti nella tua vita che le ami. | Appreciate what is good in life and tell the important people in your life that you love them.  

In memoria di Jenny Behnke. | In memory of Jenny Behnke.



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12 Responses to Fave 3 Friday: Words To Live By | Parole di vita

  1. Kristen says:

    Sorry to read about the loss of your old friend. I too lost a friend in September to pancreatic cancer, she was 63 … robbed of her retirement years.

    D’accordo. Asapora ogni giorno.


  2. Jodina says:

    Grazie Kristen. Le mie condoglianze anche a te per la tua amica.
    Morale: Godiamoci la vita più che possiamo.

  3. Maria Barci says:

    I’m sorry Jodina. Love you.

  4. Jodina says:

    Thanks, sweetie. Love you, too… anche a te ti voglio tanto bene <3

  5. John Portela says:

    Jodina…I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I can appreciate the emotions that you might be going through. I’m no export…but if you need someone to listen… I am here.

    You ought to post those Fave 3 Friday: Words To Live By on Facebook. The words and explanation are great!!!


  6. Donutella says:

    Sending heartfelt condolences to you re: Jenny’s passing. Too many people are being taken from us far too early. It’s beautiful that you can honor her memory by reaffirming the power of these three words.

  7. Jodina says:

    Grazie, John. It has been a very introspective week. It’s hard to imagine someone I knew as a child as no longer here when she wasn’t yet advanced in years. In addition to giving relief to someone suffering physically, death can be a catalyst to those who remain to examine how we are living this life that we still have. Thanks for your concern and kind words. You are a beautiful soul <3

  8. Jodina says:

    Thank you, Donutella. I guess that when life happens in a way that makes us remember our mortality, the best thing we can do is to honor those who go before us by doing our darnedest to live the time that we have left of this precious life to the fullest. Glad to count you as a student and a good person in my life, cara Donna. xo

  9. Kathy says:

    Thank you for sending that. It is a lovely tribute to your friend Jenny. I have been struggling for over a week for words to include in a sympathy card for a friend whose wife died of metastatic breast cancer (48 yrs old with 2 kids in high school).
    “Asapora ogni giorno”

    Ciao, Catalina =^.^=

  10. Jodina says:

    Ciao Catalina,
    I am so glad you appreciated my blog tribute (I appreciate you taking a minute to say so), and I hope that it was helpful to you in the card for your friend. Life IS fleeting indeed and we must savor it however and whenever we can.
    A big smile and hug for you… ti apprezzo… asapora ogni giorno!

  11. Beautiful and heartfelt. I’m so sorry for your loss, Jodina. Thank you for sharing this touching piece, and for continuing to share your passion and joy for Italian with the world around you. Un abbraccio xo

  12. Francesca Picooli says:

    My heart is with you my dear friend…… You know that I am going through something similar with my brother and your message this week, the “parole di vita” has helped me immensely. Jenny was a beautiful young woman, too young to die…she reminds us of how fragile our life is therefore, we must live life to the fullest every day. love you Bella Jodina. I’m glad we are friends!

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