Fave 3 Friday: Una, due, tre porte in Toscana | One, Two, Three Doors in Tuscany

[Note: Any text in Italian is followed by the English translation.]

“Chiusa una porta si apre un portone.” Significa che quando perdi un’occasione c’è subito un’altra opportunità. Quindi, nella vita, siate ottimisti e fiduciosi!

This Italian idiomatic expression translates roughly as “Closed one door, a bigger door opens.”  It means when you miss out on one chance, there will be another, perhaps better, opportunity soon after. The English equivalent is “When one door closes, another opens.” Therefore, be optimistic; trust life!

Ecco tre delle mie foto preferite di porte in Toscana. Chissà che si nasconde oltre la soglia…  Riccamente ornate con le loro cornici di pietra, uno immagina che sia qualcosa di incantevole.

Here are three of my favorite photos of doors in Tuscany. Who knows what’s hidden beyond the entryways… Richly ornate in their stone frames, one imagines that it must be something lovely.

Greve in Chianti Door WM


1. Sulla sinistra | On the left:

Porta di legno soleaggiata e circondata da piante a Greve in Chianti. | A sunny wooden door surrounded by plants in the town of Greve in Chianti.

N.56 Studio Legale Parbuono.Montepulciano.Door.WM








2. A destra | On the right:

Una vecchia porta a Montepulciano. Adoro la visuale dei vecchi mattoni, le crepe, e l’intonaco dei muri intorno. Notate il nome sulla targhetta a destra: Studio Legale Parbuono, traducibile approssimativamente come “uno studio legale che sembra buono”.  |   An old door in Montepulciano.  I like how you can see all of the old bricks, cracks, and plaster on the walls around it.  (The name plate to the right says Studio Legale Parbuono, which roughly translates to “Seems Good Legal Studio”. Lol!)

n. 10 via della foruna.Montepulciano.Door.WM


3. A sinistra | On the left:

Nº 10 di via della Fortuna a Montepulciano. Vorrei risiedere ad un indirizzo così speciale.  C’è persino un vecchio ferro per pulire le scarpe! | No. 10 Fortune Street in Montepulciano. I’d like to live at such a special address. There’s even an old iron shoe cleaner!


 [Grazie al mio collaboratore speciale, Lobsang Burzacchini]

via della Fortuna.MonteP.street sign.WM


Quale porta è la tua preferita? / Which door is your favorite? Sei ottimista? / Are you an optimist? Adoro leggere i vostri commenti! / I love to read your comments!

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7 Responses to Fave 3 Friday: Una, due, tre porte in Toscana | One, Two, Three Doors in Tuscany

  1. I love “doors of Italy” pictures! These are beautiful, and I love the way you included part of the surrounding walls of each door. Keep this series coming, really enjoying it. I go back throughout the week to practice the proverbs/sayings. xo

  2. Francesca Picooli says:

    Wonderful photos! I love taking door pics also. I’m enjoying your 1-2-3 series very much. I also like that you do everything in both English and Italian. A Great Learning Experience! Grazie

  3. louise bennett says:

    Buongiorno, Cara Jodina,

    We are back from Colorado – hoping to stop by tomorrow evening. We are vegans and are not sure that we can enjoy the wonderful food – and we don’t drink – I hate that – as Italian food is the BEST and I have always been a great cook and love everything.
    Anyway, we hope to say hello – we are old – hope that isn’t a problem, look forward to meeting you.

    I love, love, love doors – and look at these amazing doors you have sent for us to enjoy. I love each one of them but since I feel, I should choose one – it is a hard choice – but I choose a sinistra – love looking at it – so beautiful and love wondering what is behind it. Thank you!!!!!!!

    Ciao, Louisa

  4. Jodina says:

    Carissima Louise!
    Bentornata da Colorado. I really do hope to see you domani sera.
    Age is no problem… young at heart is what matters, and truth be told, I love to be surrounded by all types and ages of people… it’s much more Italian and makes for a richer experience.
    Drinking at these events is completely optional — after all, we are in an art gallery, not a bar 🙂 I can’t say whether any of the fare will be vegan, but I do believe that at least one, if not more of the items will be vegetarian.
    Hope that helps, and thank you as always for your kind comments on the blog. I appreciate it so much!
    Un abbraccio,


  5. Jodina says:

    Grazie cara Francesca 🙂 So glad you are enjoying the new blog series and finding it to be a great learning experience. Un abbraccione!

  6. Jodina says:

    Grazie e brava Stacy! Sei sempre stata una bravissima studentessa, and I’m glad to know that you’re enjoying the new series and finding it useful for practice and to improve your already good italiano. 🙂

  7. Pingback: When one door closes… | Prayers and Piazzas

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