Italian Traditions>> Food: A New Year’s Recipe for Prosperity

~Blog Repost~


Allora, dunque, siamo arrivati a capodanno… di già! Caspita! (So, well, we’ve arrived at New Year’s Eve… already! Goodness/Yikes!) And I promised to post a recipe for the yummy traditional Italian holiday dish of lenticchie (lentils). Often eaten at Christmas – but even more so on New Year’s Eve or Day – this hearty, scrumptious, easy-to-make ricetta (recipe) is considered to bring prosperity in the New Year. This is because the flat, round shape of the lentils resemble coins.


gold coins.

Should you decide not to make this dish this year, fret not… you can still ensure a prosperous new year by crossing the threshold (of your home or that of wherever you are) at the stroke of midnight carrying some lentils! (Or, even sometime on New Year’s Day.) Thus you are ushering prosperity in with the New Year!


So, without more ado, let me get right to the ingredients of preparing le lenticchie (the lentils), so I can get to the market and into the kitchen to prepare lentils for my famiglia!


italian food italian cooking


First off, let me say that I consider most Italian recipes as ‘approximative’… I say this because Italian cuisine is much more about accurate cooking processes and fresh quality ingredients than precise measurements (baking of course is another matter), with the exception of pasta and legumes, which are weighed.


italian cooking spices


That said, I use recipes as a point of departure – as a guide to which ingredients to use, and the order in which to add them, and I modify and embellish from there based on my needs (the appetites of my eaters and what I may or may not have in the kitchen and my own tastes). When cooking, I tend to err on the side of abundance… as in, if the ricetta calls for 2 stalks of celery, I might use 3; a small onion, I’ll use a big one; extra spices, etc.


And because the crew I’m cooking for tonight are grandi mangioni (very hearty eaters), I’ll significantly increase the proportions indicated in the ingredients, because even though I’m more of a zia italiana (Italian aunt) than a mamma italiana (Italian mama), I still don’t want anyone leaving the tavola (table) con fame (hungry)!


an italian dinner


RICETTA: LENTICCHIE CON COTECHINO (Recipe: Lentils with pork sausage)
Ingredienti per quattro persone (Ingredients for 4 people)

  • – 300 gr di lenticchie secche (10-11 oz dry lentils; I’ll use the smallish brown-green kind)
  • – uno a due cucchiai di olio d’oliva (1-2 tblsp Olive oil)
  • – uno a due cucchiai di burro 2 tblsp (1-2 butter)
  • – una cipolla trittata (1 chopped onion)
  • – una costola di sedano trittata (1 stalk of celery, chopped)
  • – due gambi di porro trittati (leeks: 2 bulbs/stems, chopped)
  • – una carota trittata (one diced carrot)
  • – vino bianco secco (dry white wine)
  • – un pomodoro piccolo trittato (1 small chopped tomato)
  • – mezza foglia di alloro (half a bay/laurel leaf)
  • – 8-10 bicchieri d’acqua (8-10 cups water)
  • – dadi q.b./quanto basta (broth/boullion cubes, as needed, per packet instructions)
  • – sale e pepe, q.b. (salt and pepper, as needed/to taste)
  • – qualche rametto di timo fresco (a few sprigs of fresh thyme)
  • – 500 gr cotechino (approx 1 lb ‘cotechino’, a traditional Italian sausage. Since where I currently am I cannot find ‘cotechino’, I’ll substitute with the local mild Italian sausages. Normally I don’t eat pork but make exceptions for special/family occasions. You can easily make this a vegetarian dish by omitting the sausage, as I have done on many an occasion.)




PREPARAZIONE (Preparation)

  1. Rinse and soak lentils in water for 1-2 hours.
  2. Heat the water with broth/boullion cubes to a boil and then keep covered at a simmer until needed.
  3. In a large pan/stew pot, over low flame/heat, heat up/melt olive oil and butter.
  4. Add chopped onion, leek, celery, and carrot.
  5. Sauté this mix, stirring occasionally, until onion is transparent.
  6. Add lentils, stirring as they absorb the oil and flavors of the vegetables.
  7. Add white wine and stir mix while sautéing to allow it to absorb into lentils
  8. Add tomato and stir while sautéing.
  9. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Now begin adding the broth water. Don’t add it all at once, but rather add just enough to cover the lentils. Cover the pot; check and stir mix frequently, adding more broth water as it is absorbed.
  11. In a separate pot, steam the sausage(s). Be careful not to overcook. When finished, the casings will have turned white. They should be tender, not tough.
  12. Frequently taste/check the lentil stew during cooking process. When ready, lentils should be soft but not mushy.
  13. Add more salt and pepper if needed.
  14. When finished, remove the stew from heat/flame and add the leaves of several fresh sprigs of thyme and mix. Remove the laurel leaf/
  15. When sausages are cooked, remove them from heat and remove the casings. Slice the sausages and put slices over the top of the portions of lentil stew before serving.
  16. As a garnish, add a sprig of fresh thyme to each plate before serving.


Auguro un felice e prospero anno a tutti! (I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year!)


Have you ever cooked or eaten le lenticchie? Do you plan to try this recipe? Have a different twist on this one? I’d love to hear about it! Leave comments below.


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4 Responses to Italian Traditions>> Food: A New Year’s Recipe for Prosperity

  1. Ciao Jodina! Felice anno nuovo! Anch’io ho preparato le lenticchie per capodanno! Quest’anno spero che tutti i tuoi buoni propositi siano realizzati! Un abbraccio! Meli

  2. admin says:

    Brava Meli! La ricetta che usi e’ simile alla mia?
    Ne ho mangiato cosi’ tante di quelle lenticchie quest’anno che il 2012 deve essere un anno prosperosissimo!
    Auguro anche a te che tutti i tuoi propositi si avverino 🙂

  3. Chiara says:

    Thanks for the great recipe! I’ve just made my second batch. Lentil stew is now a reqular part of our winter diet.

  4. admin says:

    Ciao Chiara,
    come sono contenta di sapere che le hai fatte e che vi piacciono cosi’ tanto le lenticchie!
    Buon appetito e te a a Jim.

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