Ecco il detto di questa settimana: {Here’s this week’s saying.}
“A goccia a goccia si scava la roccia.”
Listen to pronunciation:
Translation: Drop by drop, rock is eroded.
Spiegazione (Explanation, a translation follows):
Questo detto italiano è una metafora: L’acqua, che è una sostanza “molle” non può intaccare la pietra che invece è dura e resistente. Ma cadendo goccia dopo goccia, l’acqua riesce, nel tempo, a scavarla!
Il senso del proverbio è che con la perseveranza si ottengono risultati all’inizio inimmaginabili.
Un altro modo di dire questo è che con la costanza, indipendentemente dagli ostacoli, si cambiano le cose.
This Italian saying is a metaphor: Water, which is a “soft” substance, cannot nick rock, which instead is hard and resists. But falling drop after drop, water, in time, succeeds in eroding it!
The sense of the proverb is that with perseverance we can achieve results that at the beginning are unimaginable.
Another way to say this is that with steadfastness, regardless of obstacles, things can be changed.
This saying comes from the Latin proverb “Gutta cavat lapidem”, (“Drop erodes stone”).
I challenge you to memorize this week’s phrase. Take me up on this, and treat yourself to a sense of accomplishment!
With perseverance, everything is possible!
Do you have any favorite Italian proverbs you’d like to share?
I’d love to hear them — leave a comment below!
What a great site you have going! Thanks for coming by my place (I hope you got my message regarding what happened to your comment?) 🙂 Looking forward to reading more from you!
Ciao! Just as I am reading your comment, I’m enjoying various things stemming from something of your on fb… ended up at a foto of the Love Sculpture and a great site about loving fiercely/non-perfection, and the Rocky song (uao! un vero blast from the past)… i love all these tangents, and it’s great to fare la tua conoscenza 🙂