Italian Proverb: Il Detto della Domenica: “Buon sangue non mente.”

Proverbs, sayings, and idiomatic expressions are a rich way to learn new words and gain insight into the colloquial side of a language. Italian, like other languages, has a wealth of these enlightening expressions — some wise and others witty.


Because they are usually brief, they can be almost like a mini lesson in themselves.
I challenge you to memorize this week’s phrase. Take me up on this, and treat yourself to a sense of accomplishment!

Ecco il detto di questa domenica:  {Here’s the saying for this Sunday.}


“Buon sangue non mente.”


Listen to pronunciation:


Spiegazione (Explanation):

Lo si usa principalmente per casi negativi ma indica il carattere e il costume della discendenza da padre a figlio. Detto anche ‘tale il padre tale il figlio’.


Translation: It (this proverb) is used principally for negative cases to indicate the character and habits of a father (mother, parents) as they carry forward to the son (daughter, children).  Also expressed as ‘like father like son.’


Literally ‘Buon sangue non mente’ means ‘Good blood doesn’t lie’.

This saying is similar also to the English saying, ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’.


Do you have any favorite Italian proverbs you’d like to share?

I’d love to hear them — leave a comment below!

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4 Responses to Italian Proverb: Il Detto della Domenica: “Buon sangue non mente.”

  1. yasmin says:

    la scimia e sempre la scimmia anche vestita di seta

  2. yasmin says:

    e bello cio che piace

  3. yasmin says:

    chi va piano va sono e lontano

  4. admin says:

    Ciao Yasmin,
    vedo che ti piacciono anche a te i proverbi!

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